b'FERRYTALEsaid that the 70-minute, 25-mile trip issaid. It was phenomenal! the new service. Local and regional faster than the current car ferry.Successful indeed. The Ferrynews outlets quickly reported on Along with the vessel, Seastreakreported nearly 300 riders on the fi rstthe passenger-only route and one delivered a crew familiar with theday of service May 20. Four days in,local newspaper, The Coastland Times, vessels operation, making it easyridership number was recorded assplashed its approval of it with a hard-for North Carolina Ferry Division to1,136 passengers and 119 bicycles. to-miss front page news headline: The implement the new service.And, Dixon and his team werentOcracoke Express: It really is fantastic. It exceeded expectations, Dixonthe only ones touting the merits ofIn short order, at least 10 news sources reported on the new ferry route. The leased vessel offered three de-partures from each side of the route between Memorial Day and Labor Day. Because passengers didnt have access to cars once they reached Ocracoke Island, a free tram service was initiated to provide access for riders to several stops throughout the community. Moving forward, Dixon says a ENGINEERING SERVICES permanent vessel will be acquired to service the popular route for passen-gers. He collected ridership data daily that will be used for decision-making, including the possibility of additional departures. GOVERNMENT AND PROJECT But thats not all. Dixon hopes to MILITARY SERVICES SERVICES expand concession to include local vendors and fresh food options. He is waiting on legislation to allow for beer To bring Crowley on board for your nextand wine sales on trips to Ocracoke project, contact us at 206.332.8090 or visit our website at crowley.com. Island, which could be another attrac-tive feature for future riders. nEditors Note: The above article was written based on an interview and informa-tion provided prior to Hurricane Dorian, which made landfall on Hatteras Island, NC on September 6.In the days preceding that deadly storms U.S. approach, the North Carolina Ferry Division was involved with evacuating coastal Carolina and Outer Banks residents and vacationers and bringing them to the mainland. Highly Functional, According to its website, over the Galley and Foodservice Environments course of the evacuationthe North New Builds, Remodels and Retrofits Carolina Ferry System evacuated 1,441 people and 756 vehicles from Ocracoke on the Hatteras, Cedar Island and Swan Quarter routes. Ferries and ferry employees were than relegated to safe harbor areas during the storm, before resuming service operations when the storm passed.GDS Galley Design and Sales22125 17th Ave SE Suite F-113PVA applauds its members dedication Bothell, WA 98021 p: 425.881.1010www.galleydesignandsales.com to their communities by providing safe transportation options in trying situations, such as hurricanes. n40SEPTEMBER 2019FOGHORN'