b'REGULATORYREPORTThe Coast Guard By Peter Lauridsen, at WorkPVA Regulatory Affairs ConsultantA s a regulated commercial industry, the passengertegrated into a greater whole that the publication describes.vessel segment of the domestic waterway users isAs the Coast Guard receives new direction, missions or reliant on the U.S. Coast Guard for its very ability totasking from Congress and the executive branch they are not operate.necessarily accompanied by supporting resources. With the The Coast Guard covers a vessel from planning to fruition,can-do spirit of Semper Paratus, reprogramming of resources, and from entry into commercial service to exit of commercial(funds and personnel) may necessarily follow. As a personnel service. The industrys key operational personnel are issuedintensive mission set, marine inspection, investigation and licenses after demonstrating their ability through experiencelicensing is often the immediate resource pool that supports and examination. The performance of vessel and personnelthe human resources needed for the mandated effort. After are monitored through incident reporting. The operating en- 9/11, the Coast Guard had to substantially grow its maritime vironment is facilitated by waterway management schemessecurity effort. The resources for developing regulations, such as navigational markers and vessel traffi c schemes. enforcement capability and training came primarily from There is a publication that the Coast Guard Deputymarine safety personnel taken from the inspection, licensing, Commandant for Operations (CG-DCO-X) published inand investigation cadres.October 2018 titled, United States Coast Guard MaritimeThe strategic vision presented in the report gives us a view Commence Strategic Outlook, describes the environmentof how the Coast Guard intends to meet its roles and missions in which we operate as seen by our principal regulator. Inas a facilitator of maritime commerce in the future. In an-reading the publication, it is helpful to remember that we arenouncing the publications availability RADM John Nadeau regulated by a multi-mission agency and as such we are in- was quoted:westmarinepro.comYour 24/7 destination thats packed with the features Rediscover Radaryou need to get the most out of your time and money. Our Safest Radar YetFastIncreasedStreamlined Page Loads Inventory Availability Checkout Quick OrderMultiple Improved Easy Requisition Account Sign-Ons Search Invoice Look-up Lists All backed by the power of West Marine Pro. Over 135,000 products for your business 28 regional distribution centers Same-day van delivery 250+ storesThe most-knowledgeable and seasoned The new HALO24 packs proven Halo radar performance into a compact 24-inch dome.sales representatives in the industry Avoid collisions with VelocityTrack technology to highlight approaching hazards, plus industry-leading 60 RPM rotation for an almost real-time view and with instant availability from standbyHALO24is our safest dome radar yet.SIMRAD-YACHTING.COM1-800-621-6885 or visit westmarinepro.com.28SEPTEMBER 2019FOGHORN'