b'HOW PVA BENEFITS YOUPVA Working for YouBy Jen Wilk,PVA Associate Members Connect You with Technology Director, Public Affairs and Development Solutions to Address Your Business NeedsP VA understands that membersThis event featured a number of PVAproviders, shipyards and boat builders, are seeking next-level technol- Associate Members who provided keynaval architects, payment processing, ogy solutions that will give theirinsight into leading-edge applicationsmarketing and communications fi rms, business a competitive advantage. PVAfor vessel operators. PVA membersticketing and reservations software connects you with Associate MemberSea Machines, ABB Marine, and HMSvendors, seating companies, vessel companies who provide just what youGlobal were among the speakersbrokers, engine manufactures, and have been looking for, and maybe evenleading the discussion on the future ofmany more. a few new ideas that you hadnt con- maritime automation in the U.S.The strong participation of sidered yet. This is just one example of howAssociate Members at PVA meetings Foghorn Ad 1|1/4p|3.375 x 4.875Recently, I attended a con- PVA Associate members bring theirand events is extremely valuable and ference hosted by the Maritimeexpertise to benefit the industry. Wegreatly appreciated. Associate members Administration of the U.S. Departmentat PVA are fortunate at have Associatelend their expertise by presenting the of Transportation which highlightedMembers who cover a wide-range oflatest information and future trends on vessel automation and other tech- products and services for the passengernew technologies at these conferences. nologies that assist vessel operation.vessel industry including insuranceWe encourage you to take advantage PROPSPEED Propellers | Rudders | Shafts | Struts is effective on: |Trimtabs|IPSdrives|ThrustersKeel coolers | Underwater lights (clear coat) | Any underwater metal surfaceInnovative flexible couplings for marine applications USA based production Over 20 unique designs PROPSPEED can be used on boats of all types & sizes Over 16 million sold Bothrecreationalandcommercial,fromsport-fishers,Torsional vibration experts cruisers, sailboats and superyachts to work boats like ferries, Trust CENTAThe Global trawlers, tugboats, research ships and patrol boats.CENTALINKInnovator Since 1970 Carbon Fiber DriveshaftsCENTA Power trAnsmIssIon Save on your boats running costsHaving clean props and running gear lowers maintenance LeADIng By InnovAtIon costs, reduces corrosion and decreases fuel burn.2570 Beverly Dr. #128, Aurora, IL 60502T 630.236.3500 www.propspeed.com32SEPTEMBER 2019FOGHORN'