b'FOGHORNFOCUS: TECHNOLOGY(LEFT) After construction, our engineers conducted a full vessel 3D scan using Matterport. This image of a point cloud shows the same engine room view as our model. (RIGHT) When we overlay the two images, scanned and model, we see the accurate details of construction to our design. The second uses a series of photosengineering firm, shipyard andto identify highly qualified job appli-that are later stitched togethervendors can virtually tour the ferry.cants. The Port Captain is using our to create a seamless, fully interac- For Cape May-Lewes Ferry, this meansferry scans in the interview process to tive image that allows users to moveCaterpillar, the engine manufacturergauge the skill and reaction of candi-at will to view 360 degrees of theinvolved in the repower, can virtuallydates during a virtual fire drill to test scanned area. EBDG engineers thenstep inside the engine room to seeon-scene commands, he said. take the scans from both technologiesfirsthand where the equipment will beEkse and Robert concur that the to develop highly detailed models,installed.technology can also be an innovative as-built drawings or system sketches. For Robert, the 3D scanning offers aand strong marketing hook especial-Robert Ekse, who works for EBDGmyriad of benefits. The ferry was builtly in the passenger vessel industry. on the Cape May-Lewes Ferry project,in the 70s, so we only have blueprintsUtilizing 3D scans, passengers can view explained that the set up for a 3D scanof it, he said. We dont even have anyvessel interiors, cabin space, lounges is simple. The tools required are anCAD drawings, so the 3D scans areand venue rentals before booking. If, iPad, a 3D scanner, and a tripod. Aleap-years ahead of what we had goingfor example, a vessel operation offers software or service license to processinto this project.private charters for weddings, planners and host data is also required.can use the technology to see how the EBDG uses a variety of differentBenefits of 3D Technology vessel could fit their event.scanners and software tools toBoth Ekse and Robert are excited byFor the Cape May-Lewes Ferry provide unique outcomes and deliv- the advantages that 3D scans offer. Bothrepower, the cost of the 3D scanning erables for its clients. For the Capebelieve that communication is greatlywas rolled into the overall project May-Lewes Ferry project, EDBGenhanced. Instead of trying to verballyproposal, which will take up to five utilized Matterport, a software firmdescribe something on a vessel, with amonths for the shipyard phase to that combines spherical imagery withfew clicks on their computer screens,complete. the point cloud to create an interactive,stakeholders can quickly navigate toEBDG stated on their website, web-based tour of a space.Matterportexactly what they need to see.ebdg.com, that 3D scanning gives our has perfected immersive 3D technol- Even if a vessel is underway,engineers the ability to evaluate data ogy to capture, edit and share virtualsomeone onshore can pull up the scanand solve problems more precisely. spaces accessible on any screen.and virtually walk through the ferryEBDG is committed to incorporat-This project lent itself well to 3Das needed, said Ekse.ing advanced technology and design scanning, Ekse said. In this case, ourBoth agree that this technology sig- approaches to increase our efficien-focus is on the engine room and othernificantly minimizes downtime andcies and engineering solutions for our areas of operation so that we can allcan reduce travel costs for site visits.clients.clearly see the spaces impacted as theEBDGs clients have also realizedThisisanevolutionof refit moves forward. 3D technology is an excellent resourceknowledge, Ekse declared. He and his Scanning goes quickly, accordingfor training new crewmembers on ateam are eager to see where 3D technol-to Jeffrey Robert. It takes just a day tovessel, even before they first step footogies will take the maritime industry scan a vessel.onto it.next. nOnce the scans are uploaded, stake- And, Robert said, their ferry systemStephanie Gullickson, EBDG Marketing holders such as the vessel operator,is using 3D scans in the hiring processManager, contributed to this article. 8 SEPTEMBER 2019FOGHORN'