b'LEGISLATIVEREPORTWill Federal Minimum By Ed Welch, PVA Legislative Director Wage Go Up?A ctivists in the Fight for Fifteenin the 16 months remaining for theThe House approved the Raise movement have been pressing116th Congress? the Wage Act (H.R. 532) by a vote of local, state, and federalThe Fair Labor Standards Act es- 231-199. The legislation would raise the lawmakers to establish a minimumtablishes the federal minimum wage. Itfederal minimum wage over a 7-year wage of $15 per hour. In late July, thewas fi rst enacted in 1938. Periodically,period in annual increments (most U.S. House of Representatives votedCongress enacts an amendment toof which are to be $1.10 per hour). to increase the federal minimum wage.increase the minimum wage. The lastShould the legislation be enacted by Twenty-nine states and the District ofprevious increase went into effect inthe end of this year, in early 2027 the Columbia, Guam, and the U.S. VirginJuly 2009 during President Obamasfederal minimum wage would be $15 Islands already have a minimum wagefi rst term. Thus, the current $7.25 perper hour. In its original form, the leg-above the federal requirement of $7.25hour has been in place for ten years.islation would have accomplished the per hour now in place. How likely isThis is the longest period without an$15 per hour level one year sooner, it that the U.S. Senate and Presidentadjustment in the 81-year history of thebut sponsors stretched out the time Trump will follow the lead of the Housefederal minimum wage. schedule to obtain the votes of a NEW PRODUCTS, SAME LEVEL OF TRUST & DURABILITY.Introducing Highly Configurable Vessel System Monitoring & SMART Alarm Device Power Assist Get-homeSteeringDrivesStabilizers Reversing Thrusters Autopilot PumpKOBELT MANUFACTURING CO. LTD.+1 (604) 572-3935Surrey, BC, Canadawww.kobelt.com30 SEPTEMBER 2019FOGHORN'