b'FOGHORNFOCUS: TECHNOLOGYZoho Cliq RyverLearn More!Twist Workplace by Facebookusa.visa.com/visa-everywhere/innovation/tap-to-pay-with-contact-While email is good for sharing fi lesless-cards.htmland provides a written record of com- usa.visa.com/visa-everywhere/security/visa-quick-chip.htmlmunications, which can be particu- www.pcmag.com/roundup/355674/the-best-team-messaging-appslarly important in a business setting, messaging apps are fast and effective.www.textrequest.com/blog/how-many-texts-people-send-per-day/According to one blogger, one main difference between email and instant messaging is that emails are susceptible to junk and spam mail, which could mean important information is lost or received too late to be benefi cial. Messaging apps can be used for employees and managers to communi-cate internally as well as open a channel to communicate with customers and vendors. Messaging is growing and depending on the age of your employees may determine if this is the best avenue for you. According to Kenneth Burke, who has been crunching the numbers on the growth of text messaging since 2016, heres who texts the most (spoiler alert: the younger you are, the more likely you are to communicate via text messaging):American Adults Ages:18-24: sent and received about 128 text messages per day25-34: sent and received about 75 text messages per day PLEASE DO NOT35-44: sent and received about 52 text messages per day REMAIN SEATED45-54: sent and received about 33 text messages per dayDo not switch of all electronics. Please move around freely. 55+: sent and received about 16 textAnd above all, do not miss the spectacular beauty off the sea. messages per day With Cat high performance engines, the total time of your journey could be the same as flying. Only with better views.On average, American adults (inAnd without the leg cramps.2014) sent and received 32 texts a day.(Source: Kenneth Burke using data from Experian, Statistic Brain, and Pew Research Center, 2012-2015) See the video atstoriesfromsea.comOf course, if your operation has a strict no-mobile-phone-on-the-jobSee our complete offer for ferries and cruise ships at marine.cat.compolicy, then messaging is not for you. n2017 Caterpillar. All Rights Reserved. CAT, CATERPILLAR, BUILT FOR IT, their respective logos, Caterpillar Yellow, the Power Edge trade dress as well as corporate and product identity used herein, are trademarks of Caterpillar and may not be used without permission.SEPTEMBER 2019FOGHORN 21cat_ad_ferries.indd 1 08/01/18 22:30'