b'ENVIRONMENTto ocean acidification, a change ingas, and integrate renewable energyEnvironmental Sustainability, Part of ocean chemistry that reduces carbonateand technologies into our businesses,our Triple Bottom Line Strategylevels. Just as humans need calcium tocommunities and personal lives forMarine protection and responsible build their bones, sea creatures needpower. When we burn fossil fuels formanagement to achieve environmental carbonate to build strong skeletonsenergy, we add carbon dioxide into thesustainability is essentially part of our and shells. As a result of the changingatmosphere. This buildup acts like atriple bottom line strategy that focuses chemistry, we are seeing ocean osteo- heat-trapping blanket that traps heaton people, (this includes health and porosis of the sea, with sea creaturesaround the world preventing its release.safety), the environment and profit. skeletons and shells becoming thinnerUltimately, this accounts for the recentThis encompasses corporate social or more brittle. For example, in Santransition from regular to rampantresponsibility (CSR), to achieve the Francisco Bay ocean acidificationlevels of CO2 in the atmosphere thatbusiness objectives for creating shared impacts species such as the Olympiadisrupts the climate. This excess of CO2value (CSV), which is a term coined in oyster, a shoreline protection builder,trapped in our atmosphere is also athe Harvard Business Review articles, and salmon species Chinook, Coho,primary contributor to osteoporosis ofStrategy and society: the link between and Steelhead that are essential tothe sea. Sea level rise is caused from thecompetitive advantage and corporate the pelagic food web. Osteoporosisexpanded water (HS0) molecules fromsocial responsibility and Creating of the sea disrupts the food web, un- the warming temperatures of the vastShared Value, Michael Porter and dermining the stability of the oceansocean, as well as the melting of the iceMark Kramer together brought forth ecosystem.caps. Civic, community, personal andthe concept of the business strategy In addition to rethinking plasticsindustry actions in combination canthat shared value opportunities work in our industry, it is time to collective- make a difference to mitigate excessiveto improve the quality, quantity, cost, ly rethink and reduce our reliance onCO2, pollution and plastics in our en- and focuses on ensuring reliability of fossil fuels such as coal, oil and naturalvironment. simultaneously acting as a steward for WORLD CLASS VESSEL DESIGNHIGH VALUE SHIPYARD SUPPORTTRUSTED OWNER AGENTDesigned by BMT and planned for delivery in 2020, Kitsap Transits two new 141-foot ferries will carry 255 passengers and 26 bicycles at speeds up to 37 knots, with efficiency, low wake, and improved seakeeping features.Contact us at 703-920-7070 or inquiries@dandp.com24SEPTEMBER 2019FOGHORN'