b'FOGHORNFOCUS: TECHNOLOGYTech Trends 2019By Karen Rainbolt, FOGHORN Managing EditorW ith technology racing ahead at dizzying speeds it may be hard to keep up with all the new gizmos, apps, software, and concepts that make the news everyday. Which ones are best for your business? Which ones will fade before they really bloom? What should you invest in? And, which newest big thing will actually drag you down? Heres a look at some of the tech talk that may impact the passenger vessel industry this year:5GTheres a lot of talk about 5G and its possibilities.What will the impact of the fi fth generationPassengers in a U.S. airport traveling on an international flight had to use a new biometric screen (hence 5G) of mobile networks onwith facial recognition before boarding the plane. Source: American Airlines.the U.S. commercial maritime industry be? Well, thats notand James Rogerson. 5G will be a constantly developing entirely clear.network of networks encompassing a far broader array of The technology behind 5G is expected to be faster thandevices than merely mobile phones,the pair wrote in a its predecessors, according to technical writers Sarah Wrayrecent blog. Refit & RepairQuality Commercial Vessels. Built by Burger to Your RequirementsBurger is recognized worldwide for quality custom vessels that provide years of dependable service. Aluminum and Steel FabricationRefit and Repair ServicesPassenger Vessels- Hull Plate Replacement +1 920.686.5117 Water Taxis- Exterior and Interior Coatings sales@burgerboat.comderconstruction nsWind Farm Support Vessels- Engine & Generator Repowersburgerboatcommercial.comTwo 91 Aluminum CatamaraUnCrew Supply Vessels- All Vessel System Repairs Other Vessels to 260 (80m)- Interior Refresh Proudly built in the USA16 SEPTEMBER 2019FOGHORN'