b'FERRYTALEIn order to meet demand for the new venture, Dixon,members worked many days and nights to make sure this who is a member of the PVA Board of Directors, used thewas a success story.contacts hes made through PVA to fi nd a partner who couldDespite the quickness of the agreement, due diligence help.at the highest levels Seastreak LLCwere done with close s t e p p e d u p a n dreviewofvessel we entered into arecords, permits, dock 100-day lease of thefittings, signage and Marthas Vineyard, asite work, security 149-passenger, high- cameras, and all other speed ferry, Dixonimportant details were explained. completed. The collaborationIn addition, the with Seastreak, whichticketing system had to is based in Atlanticbe deployed by launch Highlands NJ, wasdaywithcareful an exercise in speed.attention on system During the 45-daybugs, training, and project period, thehardware installation. NCDOT Ferry DivisionThe passenger-only ferry was a success and exceeded all expectations for North Carolinas state-runThe hard work was developed a projectferry system.worth it. The venture schedule that would ensure a successful launch. Dailywas well-received by locals and visitors alike. During the conference calls were held to ensure tasks were assigned,summer peak season, there is high demand for service to the members were updated, and progress was noted. Teamislands for day-trippers or overnight stays. The ferry system Eachyear,thousandsofpreventablemaritime accidents are caused by operator inattention, cited twice as frequently as the next leading factor. The Furuno BR500 Bridge Navigational Watch Alarm System (BNWAS) helps to prevent these accidents.Scan this code with your smart phone for a Guided Tour of the BR500.www.FurunoUSA.comSEPTEMBER 2019FOGHORN 39'