b'SAFETYMATTERSpredictable basis, and may be vulner- Some of these themes include: Nearly all had at least one signifi -able to attacks using simple tactics andMost of the attackers utilizedcant stressor within the last five readily available weapons.fi years, and over half had indica- rearms, and half departed the site The Security of Soft Targets andon their own or committed suicide. tions of fi nancial instability in that Crowded PlacesResource Guide is aHalf were motivated by a grievancetimeframe.valuable tool to raise awareness of therelated to a domestic situation,Nearly all made threatening or con-information and capabilities that areworkplace, or other personal issue. cerning communications and more available from DHS to support theTwo-thirds had histories of mentalthan three-quarters elicited concern development of risk mitigation strat- health symptoms, including de- from others prior to carrying out egies. The Guide provides an easypressive, suicidal, and psychotictheir attacks.to use method to quickly find infor- symptoms.mation on a wide range of capabili-ties that can be incorporated into the security practices of companies and organizations regardless of size. Some of the tools are provided in guides, fact sheets, and other informational material, while others are in the form of online or in-person training, videos, and websites. Topics include:Identifying Suspicious BehaviorBaggage ScreeningVehicle InspectionsPrepare and Respond to Active Assailants and BombingsRecovery form Active Shooter IncidentsThe Guide can be found using the following link: www.imtra.comwww.dhs.gov/sites/default/files/publications/Soft_Targets_Crowded%20Places_Resource_Guide_042018_508.pdfThe second product reviewed by the PVA Safety and Security Committee was produced by the U.S. Secret Service National Threat Assessment Center (NTAC). Mass Attacks in Public Spaces2018 is NTACs second analysis of mass attacks that were carried out in public spaces, and it builds upon their initial 2017 report. The report states, Between January and December 2018, 27 incidents of mass attacksin which three or more persons were harmedwere carried out in public spaces within IMTRA COLORS 2016the United States. In total, 91 peopleLEDPrimary UseSecondary Usewere killed and 107 more were injured in locations where people should feel safe, including workplaces, schools,The Trusted Source for Advanced LED Lightingand other public areas. The report offers analysis andNAVIGATION LIGHTSDECK LIGHTINGENGINE ROOM LIGHTSSEARCHLIGHTSCABIN LIGHTINGinsight into common themes identifi edPantone Cool Gray 7 508.995.7000 www.imtra.com Pantone 368 Pantone 629Blue Pantone 647 Pantone Cool Gray 2 Blackin the attacks that can be used by law20C 14M 12Y 40K 5C 3M 5Y 11K 0C 0M 0Y 100K 65C 0M 100Y 0K 36C 0M 9Y 0K96C 54M 5Y 27Kenforcement, industry and the public. SEPTEMBER 2019FOGHORN 35'