b'REGULATORYREPORTThe Coast Guard will use itssee or work with the front-line people inRecruit, develop, and retain capable unique law enforcement, intelligence,inspection, licensing, investigation, planand agile Prevention and Response pro-and regulatory authorities to growreview, waterway management, law en- fessionals who can thrive in an environ-and safeguard maritime commerce inforcement, industry days, documenta- ment characterized by constant changes the U.S., but the challenges facing ourtion and other situations.in technology and tools.waterways require continued collabo- The publications address of theThe Coast Guard will reinforce ration with private sector and govern- Coast Guard work force is extensive.Prevention and Response career paths ment agency stakeholders at everySome of the references in thethat are professionally rewarding and levellocal, state, national, and inter- Transforming Workforce Capacity andintellectually invigorating with full op-national. We look forward to workingPartnerships section are of particularportunities for promotion and leader-with our partners and stakehold- interest to the industry consumers ofship positions. ers as we execute the lines of effortCoast Guard services. Further a culture of professionalism in the Maritime Commerce StrategicAdvance digital tools in the per- that embraces the lessons of the past, Outlook.formance of marine safety duties. Theconstantly evaluates the current envi-One of the most important advocacyCoast Guard will optimize the use ofronment, and actively prepares for the roles PVA undertakes for its memberstechnology, mobility, cloud computing,future.is to stay in communication with thebig data analytics, and artifi cial intelli- That is certainly an ambitious Coast Guard via our chartered partner- gence to enhance mission execution toprogram. The foregoing excerpts are not ship, public hearings and events and theinclude vessel inspections and investi- a comprehensive representation of the legislative and regulation developmentgations. entire publication because it addresses processes. Focus investment in advanced While the publication is broad andeducation and industry training inall aspects of the Coast Guards role visionary across all missions it is theemerging fi elds such as automation, ar- in the Marine Transportation System workforce that is the face of the Coasttifi cial intelligence, data analytics, and(MTS). The publication should be read Guard for most of our interactions. Wecybersecurity. in its entirety to understand its scope. nSEPTEMBER 2019FOGHORN 29'