b'NEWSWIREApply for MARADs USCG-Certied Light-Weight Aluminum Honeycomb Panels Small Shipyardfor Passenger FerriesGrants by decorative | durable | functionalMay 16rigidized.com/markets/marineT heU.S.MaritimeAdministration (MARAD) is now accepting propos-als for the fiscal 2022 Small Shipyard Grant Program. The deadline for submittal is Monday, May 16. For the current fiscal 2022 funding round, MARAD will distribute $19.6 million in grants.PVA has consistently supported continuation of and increased funding for the Small Ship-yard Grant program. The law authorizing this program is found at section 54101 of title 46 United States Code, which can be viewed here.658 Ohio Street | Buffalo, NY 14203 | marine@rigidized.comSmallshipyardgrantsareprovidedforthe purpose of (1) making capital and related im-provementsinsmallshipyards(butnotthe construction of buildings or the acquisition of land) and (2) training workers in shipbuilding, ship repair, and associated industries. Federal funds can cover up to 75 percent of the project. There is a Buy America requirement. A small shipyard is a yard in one geographic location that has no more than 1,200 employees.MARAD has indicated that a public ferry sys-tem that has its own shipyard facility to service its fleet is eligible to compete for a grant.Applicants in the current funding round are encouraged to address three Biden Adminis-trationpolicypriorities:climatechangeand environmental justice; advancement of equity (including promotion of benefits to persons living in rural areas); and promoting workforce and labor standards.MARADsdocumentsolicitingapplications can be found here.45 APRIL 2022'