b'I want to talk about our safety recommendations in terms of our mis- dont have to wait for the USCG to finish its rulemaking process on sion. NTSBs work isnt finished with the completion of our investi- some of these issues. gation and issuance of our final report. We have to work to get our recommendations implemented. Thats when safety change happens.Operators of vessels with overnight accommodations should: As you know, Improving Passenger and Fishing Vessel Safety is on our Most Wanted List of Transportation Safety Improvements, whichInstall smoke detectors in sleeping quarters and ensure theyre in-Morgan will talk about more in-depth in a session on Sunday. This wasterconnected so when one detector goes off, they all do. The crew-important to me when we developed the 2021-2022 list. member who discovered the Conception fire couldnt hear the fire alarm from the crew berthing on the upper deck. I was the Member on scene for the deadliest marine accident in recenthistory. To this day, Im still in touch with the victims families.Ensure that the primary and secondary emergency escape paths dont lead to the same space, which can be blocked by a single haz-You probably know Im referring to the Conception: a 75-foot passen- ard. The Conception had two means of escape from the lower deck ger vessel that was anchored on Santa Cruz Island, just off the coast ofbunkroombut both led into the salon, which was filled with Santa Barbara, California. For reasons we still dont know, the vesselheavy smoke and fire. Tragically, the salon compartment was the caught fire, burned to the waterline, and sank on September 2, 2019. only escape path to the weather deck. Because there was fire in the salon, the passengers were trapped. Tragically, all 33 passengers asleep in the below deck and one crew-member were killed, all trapped by the fire. Five crewmembers whoKeep escape routes unobstructed at all times.were asleep on the upper deck all survived. The minute-by-minute de- tails, which I wont recount, are horrific. Remind crewmembers to perform roving patrols and why theyre so important. Our investigation found that the Conception fire was During my time on scene, I met with the families of those onboard theuncontrollable by the time it was discovered because the crewmem-vessel and gave them the only promise we at NTSB have to give: that weber on duty was asleep in the bunkroom; she was one of the fatalities. would find ways to prevent similar suffering for other families.The final recommendation I want to share is the single most import-There are many evidence-based safety enhancements you can makeant thing you can do to save lives: implement a comprehensive safety or shore up nowright nowso theres never another Conception. Youmanagement system (SMS). In fact, weve recommended SMS in all Engine power solutionspower up theexcursion experienceCreating an edge for your excursion business relies on producing a more positive customer experience. With Scania engines powering your vessels, youre full speed ahead of the competition. Scania designs, engineers and builds marine engines famous for their power and reliability. Engine noise has been minimized to allow your customers to fully appreciate the sounds of nature, while also easily hearing tour information and safety instructions from your crew.Plus, Scanias record of proven performance, dependability, and superior support and service will keep your operation on schedule, today and tomorrow. Spirit of MatushkaScania QUAD V8 powerBuilt by All American Marinena.marketing@scania.com 21 APRIL 2022'