b'MEMBER NEWS MEMBERS NEWSMEMBER NEWS Rolls-Royce Launches ABB New mtu NautIQ Products Technology to Power Hybrid-R olls-Royceisexpandingitsrangeofdedelectroniccharts,AIalgorithms,andanElectric Ferriesmtu NautIQ ship automation systemsadvanced broad-area computer vision systems.with three new products: mtu Nau-tIQCoPilot,mtuNautIQCoOperateandmtu NautIQ CoOperate is an optionally au-mtu NautIQ CoDirect.tonomous ship navigation command system PVA member Rolls-Royce says that continuedwhich enables off-boat remote command, in- A BBhassecuredanordertosupply cluding all payloads on board. The system canintegratedpower,automation,and development of the NautIQ product range istake over routine and monotonous vessel taskspropulsionsolutionstothreelarge at the core of its strategy to be an innovationand it allows crews to focus on more importantpassenger and car ferries to operate in the Bal-leader in the marine business and to provideaspects of their missions. As with all the newtic Sea. The 195-meter-long ferries will each customers with propulsion and control solu- products, operators can intervene at any mo- have capacity for up to 400 passengers and 200 tions from bridge to propeller. Each of the newment if necessary. trucks and will be delivered starting in 2025. productsofferdifferentlevelsofintelligent crewsupport,autonomouscontrol,andre- mtuNautIQCoDirectisawireless,re- The Baltic Sea has some of the densest mari-mote command capabilities. mote-helmsystemthatcancontrolavesselstime traffic in the world, with about 2,000 large engines, steering, and transmission, as well asships sailing in its waters at any given time. The mtuNautIQCoPilotisthemostadvancedpayload functions such as winches and cranesInternational Maritime Organization has des-intelligent pilot assist system in the new range.from a distance of up to 1,000 meters. Thisignated the Baltic Sea as an Emission Control Dependingonoperatingmode,thehuman- allows crews to operate the vessel from the bestArea with stricter controls to minimize the en-on-the-loopsystemcaneitherautonomouslyvantage point, increasing safety and efficiency.vironmental impact from ships. control a planned voyage from start to finish, or not intervene at all in human operations, whileDenise Kurtulus, vice president, Global Ma- Increased electrification and energy efficiency only guiding the operator. Rolls-Royce says therine at Rolls-Royce business unit Power Sys- will play an important role in helping decar-system enables navigation with greater precisiontems, said: This addition to our mtu NautIQbonize maritime transport. As the foundation and predictability, helping to reduce costs, fuelproduct portfolio is an important part of ourforshipelectrification,electricalpropulsion consumption, and emissions. Its made possiblejourney towards a provider of integrated sus- allows the full integration of power systems by the fusion of digital marine sensors, embed- tainable solutions. and equipment on board, offering significant gains in safety, efficiency and sustainability for the new ferries. Each of the ferries will be equipped with two 7.5megawattAzipodelectricpropulsion units that will help achieve a high degree of maneuverability and efficiency in harbor oper-ations. By integrating multi-fuel engines with battery power, ABBs Power and Energy Man-agement System (PEMS) balances the use of WATCH MORE HERE the different energy sources onboard, enabling further gains in operational efficiency and re-ducing emissions as a result.CATERPILLAR MARINEConventionally, a ship approaching port en-WORKS WITH AMNAV TO ACHIEVEgagesanextraengineasafailsafeback-up, which is sub-optimal in terms of fuel efficien-EMISSION REDUCTION GOALS cy. The hybrid solution uses batteries to pro-vide this redundancy. The Caterpillar Tier upgrade solution sets Caterpillar apart from our competition.No other manufacturer in this space offers Tier Conversion upgrades as an option The three ferries will also utilize ABBs ship-to extend the useful life of a customers engine.side shore connection to access plug-in shore - Jason Blacker, Parts & Sales Representative for Peterson Power Systems power, enabling further emission reductions, For more information, contact your local Cat dealer. aswellasbenefitfromremoteequipment2022 Caterpillar. All Rights Reserved. CAT, CATERPILLAR, LETS DO THE WORK, their respective logos, Caterpillar Corporate Yellow, the Power Edge and Cat Modern Hex trade dress as well as corporate and product identity used herein, are trademarks of Caterpillar and may not be used without permission. monitoring and diagnostics for enhanced pas-senger and ship safety. FOGHORN 38'