b'MEMBER NEWSMack Boring & Parts Co. Celebrates 100 YearsP VA member Mack Boring & Parts Co.,A key factor that has allowed Mack BoringMcGovern. Whether through training, oper-a provider of power products, including& Parts Co. to grow to where we are today isational efficiencies, or developing partnerships dieselenginesandpowergenerationour focus on having the best team in the in- with new and/or innovative technologies, the systems, announced it is celebrating its 100thdustry, thrilling customers and continuous im- constant drive to be better each day is what will anniversary. provement, said company President Patrickkeep us going well beyond 100 years.In1922,EdwardMackMcGovern,who served as a machinist in the U.S. Navy during WWI, set out to use his technical skills to build abusinessprovidingparts,cylinderboring, andgeneralmachineshopwork.Thename of his company would become Mack BoringThe Trusted Source for & Parts Co., reflecting his nickname and the services he offered. Now in its fourth genera- Quality Systemstion of family leadership, Mack Boring & Parts Co. is reflecting on the past century while also looking ahead to the future.The company started in a 500-square-foot shop in the basement of Macks home. By 1966 the businesshadmovedtoafive-acrefacilityin Union, N.J. which allowed for growth, as well as the beginning of its technical school, Engine CityTechnicalInstitute.TheUnionfacility housed the company until 2017 when a move to Somerset, N.J. provided the company with 100,000 square feet of warehousing capability, four production cells, a multi-engine run room, paint booth, multiple training rooms, and of-fice space for its more than 50 employees.In the early days, the primary focus was machin-ing services for automotive and industrial ap-plications. It wasnt until Macks son, Edward McGovern, Jr., entered the business that Mack Boring & Parts Co. brought on several gasoline enginedistributorshipstokeepthebusiness from growing stagnant. The first distribution lines included Continental and Gray Marine in the 1940s followed by Chrysler in the 1960s. Four years later in 1964, they brought on the companys first line of diesel engines. When the third McGovern generation took the helm, Yan-mar diesels enter the picture. With the boom-ing boat building industry in the northeast the business continued to expand into the higher horsepower pleasure boat market, replacing gasTHRUSTERSLIGHTINGSEATINGDOORSTRIM CONTROLWIPERSCONTROLSalternatives where it still thrives. Today, Mack Boring&PartsCo.representswell-known global brands, including PVA members such as Yanmar, Scania, Twin Disc, and ZF Marine Gears. To ensure the success of each productwww.imtra.com 508.995.7000line, the company focuses on customer support through its extensive network of dealers.41 APRIL 2022'