b'post casualty investigations to learn from accidents and improve ourmarine inspector and training positions, and launched a new series of standardsandcomplianceactivities.OurPreventionCONOPSiscourses for Apprentice Marine Inspectors.FOGHORN FOCUS timeless and will continue to guide our activities into the future. In order to ensure were ready to meet these changes, we have embarkedWhile we often talk about many of the changes to our maritime operat-on a Prevention Readiness Initiative to modernize our people, gover- ing environment as challenges, let me assure you that these drivers will nance and technology. While elements of this initiative are focused onalso bring tremendous opportunities to our service and our nation. The policy and regulatory updates to address the changing maritime envi- commandants Maritime Commerce Strategic Outlook, Arctic Strategic ronment, the most important initiatives are focused on our people andOutlook, and Cyber Strategic Outlook all underscore the importance of technology. The initiative modernizes the way we train and equip ourthe MTS to our nation and highlight key lines of effort that the Coast workforce to enable them to continually learn throughout their careerGuard is pursuing to realize these opportunities. We look forward to and access information at the time and place of need. In the past year,continuing to work with the passenger vessel industry to create a safer, we delivered the first generation mobile inspection application, addedmore secure, and sustainable MTS that meets the nations needs.About the Author RADM JOHN MAUGERASSISTANT COMMANDANT FOR PREVENTION POLICY UNITED STATES COAST GUARDRear Admiral Mauger serves as the assistant commandant for prevention policy, and is responsible for the development of national policy, standards, and programs promoting marine safety, security and environmental stewardship. Three directorates carry out the mission: inspections and compliance, marine transportation systems, and commercial regulations and standards. During his prior flag assignments, he served as the assistant commandant for capability and as the director of training and exercises (J7) at U.S. Cyber Command.PRECISE 360 PROPULSION PLUS FULL AUXILIARY POWERLET ASSUREDPARTNERS MCM MANAGEYOUR INSURANCE SO YOU CANFOCUS ON YOUR VOYAGEAssuredPartners MCM is a leading independent insurance brokerage based in the Pacic Northwest. Our combined experience placing insurance and managing the marine industrys unique risks.Whether were working with vessel operators, builders,Twin Disc Marine Control Drives (MCDs) allow variable propellerMARINE speedfrom full engine output to slower than engine idlewhileCONTROL splitting main engine power to drive FiFi pumps or other auxiliaryDRIVEequipment. The MCD-2000/4000/5000 series covers extended diesel power requirements from 1680 kW (2280 HP) to 5250 kW (7130 HP)with heat dissipation capabilities up to 450 kW (610 HP).And our Veth Z-drives provide 360 thrust for optimal vessel maneuverability AssuredPartners MCM and positioning.Contact: Damon L. Nasman If you want the ultimate in slow-speed maneuverability, highly accurate Direct Line: 206.262.6375 positioning and simultaneous, full-firefighting capability, specify Twin Disc Damon.Nasman@assuredpartners.com and Veth Propulsion on your next tug build. VETHFor expert engineering assistance to assure your optimal product specifications Z-DRIVEand performance, contact Klaus@TwinDisc.com.www.assuredpartnersmcm.comFOGHORN 26'