b'LEGISLATIVE REPORTLEGISLATIVE California Board Votes toToughen Vessel Air Emissions Rules ED WELCH // PVA LEGISLATIVE DIRECTORS ince 2009, the state of Californias regu- forts to reduce air emissions from all sources.The existing CHC rules already sought to re-lations for air emissions from passengerTheyareinkeepingwithGovernorGavinduce emissions of oxides of nitrogen, sulfur vesselsthe Commercial Harbor CraftNewsomes executive order to transition off- dioxide,anddieselparticulatematter.The (CHC) Ruleshave been the most stringentroad vehicles and equipment to 100 percentnew rule explicitly adds the reduction of green-in the nation. On March 24, 2022, the Cali- zero-emissiontechnologybytheyear2035,house gases (carbon dioxide, for example) and fornia Air Resources Board (CARB) voted towhere feasible. visible emissions (smoke) as objectives.make them even tougher.CARB believes its rules have a technology-forc- Thenewruleaimstorequireharborcraft PVA members who operate vessels in the Gold- ing effect. The CARB staff characterized thevessels to move certain types of vessels to ze-en State will face significant challenges, includingrevised CHC rules as providing a strong sig- ro-emission or advanced technology (ZEAT), substantial costs and the commercial availabilitynal for the development and transfer of cleanerwherefeasible,andtorequirecleanercom-of new technology, because of the new require- combustionandzero-emissiontechnologiesbustiontechnologyforothervessels.Newly ments. Unfortunately, some existing vessels mayinto the off-road and maritime sectors, andconstructed and newly acquired excursion ves-eventually be forced out of service in the state. asserted that they will spur technological in- sels must have zero-emission capable hybrid novation by developing a robust market fortechnology (that is, two or more onboard pow-The revised Commercial Harbor Craft Rulesthese [marine propulsion] technologies, whicher sources, one of which must produce zero areanexampleofCaliforniasaggressiveef- could be deployed globally.emissions) as of Dec. 31, 2024. The next year (as of Dec. 31, 2025), existing and new short-runferries,thosethatoperateonroutesof 3 nautical miles or less, must have zero-emis-sion technology. INNOVATIVE.Existingferryvessels,otherthanshort-run ferries, have deadlines of between 2024 and UNIQUE.ALL AMERICAN MARINE 2029 to put in place cleaner combustion tech-nologies. Depending on the ferry vessel, this will require EPA-certified tier 3 or tier 4 ma-PROVEN. rine engines (tier 3 for a marine engine rated below 600 kW if there is no equivalent engine certified as tier 4), plus a CARB-certified Die-sel Particulate Filter (DPF). In the event of financial hardship or technology availability issues,possibleextensionsofthedeadlines may be granted, but no extension will go be-yond Dec. 31, 2034 (slightly more than 12 yearsfromnow).CARBanticipatesthata ferry vessel that cannot come into compliance by that drop dead date must be taken out of service and presumably replaced with a com-pliant vessel.Existingexcursionvesselsmustmoveto EPA-certified tier 3 or tier 4 marine engines (tier 3 for a marine engine rated below 600 kW if there is no equivalent engine certified as tier 4), plus a CARB-certified DPF during the pe-riod between 2026 and 2030. As with ferries, possible extensions may be granted in certain ALLAMERICANMARINE.com circumstances, but for no longer than Dec. 31, 2004.After that date, a non-compliant excur-Bellingham, WA | 360.647.7602 sion vessel must be removed from service.Pictured: Spirit of Matushka - A 150 Passenger, hydrofoil-assisted catamaran, custom built for Major Marine ToursFOGHORN 30'