b'FOGHORN FOCUSThis page, top row: Bob Bijur and Colleen Stephens; attendees enjoy wine and dessert; middle row: guests enjoy drinks alongside the race course; Rob Prichardand Michael Pinkham; Alan Bernstein and Eric Christensen; bottom row: Tamara Callabro and Terri Voet; guests pause for a photo op; Terri BernsteinOpposite page, clockwise from left: Fred Hall, Steven Bers, and Rick Fryan; Meghan Speer; Holly and Jimmy LewisUnlike the final night send off in years past, in Kentucky the celebra- others) trade in their signature hats for derby helmets as they mounted tions took place on Sunday night as PVA was off to the races. BB Riv- their horses and, with a roll of the dice, raced around the course to help erboats hosted the evening with a cocktail reception in their new dockraise funds for the Passenger Vessel Foundation. After all bets were paid, facility with all the trimmings of the signature race the state is knownboarding began as dinner was served during a cruise down the Ohio River for. Attendees were able during the previous days to buy a horse oroverlooking the Cincinnati skyline. The evening culminated in a spectac-place bets on their favorite thoroughbred. Race night saw captains (andular fireworks show, the perfect celebration of being together once again.FOGHORN 14'