b'MEMBER NEWS MEMBER NEWSSeastreak Sets Sail for New England Once AgainS tartingMemorialDayweekend,PVAthe longest passenger ferry journey operatingCourageous has a modified bow radius that member Seastreak will resume its sum- within the United States, says Seastreak, thiswill allow for more versatility with bow load-mer ferry service connecting New Yorkyear, the journey will occur aboard the largestingatdifferentlandingsandthewindows City and Highlands, N.J., to Nantucket andandfastesthigh-speedpassengercatamaranhave been upgraded to the latest technology MarthasVineyard.Notonlyisthisrouteoperating in the country, Courageous. of insulated glass that will reduce the solar load of the cabin to provide a fog free experience, saidBrianAchille,SeastreaksDirectorof Engineering. She also has 360 degree open-air views, two fully stocked bars, and specially designed engine and jet room noise insulation that provides a comfortable and quiet ride.Thisseasonwillbethetwelfthyearthat SeastreakprovidesservicefromNewYork City and Highlands, N.J., to some of New En-glands most beautiful islands. While there are 750 seats on board Courageous, Seastreak will be capping the number of passengers at 500 to facilitate a more luxurious travel experience. On board, there will be a full bar with a variety of dining options to choose from.DesignedbyPVAmemberIncatCrowther, PHOTO COURTESY OF SEASTREAKCourageous arrived at her home port of High-lands,N.J.inDecember2021.Sincethen, Seastreak has utilized Courageous for weekday commuter service to New York City. The Cou-rageous will make her debut trip to Nantucket and Marthas Vineyard on May 27. Service will continue into early September.FOGHORN 36'