b'REGULATORY REPORTREGULATORY Electronic Navigation Charts2022 and Beyond PETER LAURIDSEN // PVA REGULATORY AFFAIRS CONSULTANTO nMarch23,2022theU.S.Coastfor use, and recognized hydrographic authoritieslength, vessels carrying more than a number Guard issued an Advanced Notice ofnow provide a full suite of digitalelectronic nav- of passengers for hire determined by the secre-Proposed Rulemaking (ANPRM) onigational charts (ENCs). The regulations needtary, and towing vessels of more than 26 feet in electronic chart and navigational equipmentto be updated to reflect this level of services. Na- overall length and 600 horsepower, while op-carriage requirements. The Coast Guard seekstional Oceanic and Atmospheric Administra- erating on the navigable waters of the United information on the status and use of electron- tion (NOAA) is ending production of its rasterStates, equipped with and operating electron-ic charts in navigation. You may submit com- and paper navigational charts by January 2025. ic navigational charts that are produced by a mentsidentifiedbydocketnumberUSCG- governmenthydrographicofficeorconform 2021-0291usingthefederale-rulemakingThere are 17 questions posed in this ANPRM.to a standard acceptable to the secretary, to be portal. Public comments are encouraged andA sample of those questions follow to illustratedeemed in compliance with any requirement are due on or before June 27, 2022. the character and their relevance to the pas- under title 33 or 46, Code of Federal Regula-senger vessel industry. See the Federal Registertions, to have a chart, marine chart, or map on 46 U.S. Code 3105 Electronic Charts in Lieunotice for all the questions and a detailed dis- board. Paragraph (a)(1)(D) of this statute gives of Marine Charts, Charts, and Maps permitscussion of this ANPRM .the secretary discretion to provide electronic that certain vessels equipped with and operatingchart equivalency standards for any other ves-electronic navigational charts that are producedQUESTION 1 sel not specified. For which types of vessels not by a government hydrographic office, or con- Should electronic charts and related navi- listed in the statute should the Coast Guard form to a standard acceptable to the secretary,gational equipment be required on certainconsider creating electronic chart equivalency shall be deemed in compliance with any require- vessels not on international voyages even ifstandards? What types of vessels, if any, should ment under title 33 or title 46, Code of Federalpaper charts are available for use and certifiedbe excluded? Please explain why. Regulations. This permitted the evolution andfor navigation? If yes, which vessels? Please growth of the use of electronic navigation chartsexplain why.QUESTION 3without altering the paper-based regulations. Title 46 U.S.C. 3105 allows for a vessel carry-QUESTION 2.ing more than a number of passengers for hire Charting systems manufacturers have developedTitle 46 U.S.C. 3105 allows for self-propelleddetermined by the secretary to be equipped multiple systems that are available to marinerscommercial vessels of at least 65 feet in overallwith and operating electronic charts to meet chart requirements under titles 33 and 46 of theCFR.Ifweweretoestablishelectronic chart carriage regulations, should we set the number of passengers the same as in 46 CFR Subchapter K, which applies to passenger ves-sels carrying more than 150 passengers or with overnight accommodations for more than 49 passengers? If not, what number of passengers for hire should the Coast Guard use as a mini-mum for electronic chart carriage regulations? QUESTION 7 Shouldelectronicnavigationalequipment listed in A through F, which is required for RELIABLE POWER FOR Acarriage on certain vessels, be digitally integrat-DEMANDING SCHEDULE edwith electronic nautical charts and naviga-tional systems? Why or why not? What cyber Your business cant compromise when it comes tosecurity concerns should be considered if elec-maintaining a demanding schedule. Thats whytronic nautical charts and navigation systems customers count on reliable John Deere PowerTechare integrated with this equipment? marine engines. With high torque and low-rated rpm, John Deere engines deliver dependable power and quiet operation. a. EPFD providing position information; Full power range of marine engines 60 to 559 kw (80 to 750 hp) b. AIS; JohnDeere.com/MarineFOGHORN 32'