b'LETTER FROM THE PRESIDENTAT THE HELM The Value of a HandshakeBOB BIJUR // PRESIDENTWow is the word to describe the first in-person convention in almostvisory boards, and through participation at Coast Guard industry two years. This is PVA at its finestadapting to a slew of unanticipateddays and changes of commands. challenges without missing a beat and delivering an incredibly mean-ingful and memorable event. Whenever we review the core value andPromoteparticipationatregionalmeetings,gettheregistra-assets of our organization, it is the people who rank highest. The hosttion and hotel availability posted for 2023 Convention in Long operating family, the staff, the convention committee, the members,Beach,andtakeadvantageofconventionplanningeffectively both vessel and associate, all contributed to the conventions success.months ahead.The PVA Annual Convention at MariTrends 2022 in Covington,Support all committee initiatives: Ky. was nothing short of spectacular. The early warning notification system was deployed by the Bombard family. Their message was wellLegislative Committee priorities include a refill of funding received by the board and staff and the move to Covington was under- for the CERTS grant program and expanded eligibility for way, carefully and calculating to minimize loss and maintain uprightvessel operators to use the Capital Construction Fund to ac-stability (essentially keeping the boat afloat). Then, Captain Alan Ber- cumulate tax-deferred capital to acquire new vessels.nstein and family took the con and plotted a course not only to safe harbor, but landing us in a Shangri-la in Americas Heartland. I cannotRegulatory Committee activities include DOT drug testing, say enough about the hospitality they showed all attendees from bour- an Interim Final Rule on fire safety, a rulemaking on elec-bon, to derbies, to an exceptional firework finale. All the efforts andtronic charts, an OSHA rule on heat injury and illness, event details with all of us in mind, in anticipation of us reuniting in person. permitting, and a forthcoming rulemaking on Safety Man-agement System. I honestly forgot how much a simple gesture like a handshake means. I was taught by my grandfather that a firm handshake is a respectful SafetyandSecurityCommitteeactivitiesencompassa greeting and an appropriate way to meet and engage people. I neverfifthrevisionofPVAAlternateSecurityProgram(ASP); realized how important personal contact is to me and my ability tofinalizingsafetymanualupdates;developingcybersecu-communicate and learn. Virtual has been helpful, but does not equalritytrainingandresources;developingaFlagshipSafe-the value I found in this face-to-face event.tyManagementSystemimplementationplanwithadded resources;revisitingslips,trips,andfallsdatacollection; Thank you to all who made this convention possible. This includes thesupporting illegal charter outreach; and responding to Na-Bernstein family, crew, and staff; our PVA staff who worked tirelessly;tionalTransportationSafetyBoardregardingtheirrecent our exhibitors and attendees; presenters and speakers; committees; andsafety recommendations. sponsors. And, of course, thanks must go to the Bombards for alerting us to potential disruption in California. Enhance and embrace green, environmentally-responsible practices.The PVA staff and executive committee have been busy since the con- Innovate member recruitment and retention though shared les-vention. We held a strategic planning session and delivered an overviewsons learned; mentoring, training, and certification; as well as to the PVA Board of Directors during our April conference call.utilizing existing tools and platforms, data sharing, and seasonal work opportunities Some of our goals are to:I would like to thank everyone for their support in the coming year. I Remain fiscally strong though good financial planning and main- plan to reach out to membership and bring back to the table your sug-taining prudent reserves.gestions, comments, and concerns. I encourage everyone to get involved at their comfort level. We all benefit from each others experience.A commitment to provide staff resources to all committees, towork side-by-side with the designated chairpersons. This is criticalAt your service, for the Digital Marketing, Emerging Leaders, Membership com-mittees, as well as our standing committees which provide us with such great benefits.To keep active with our U.S. Coast Guard partners through ourBob Bijur Quality Partnership Meetings, representation on Coast Guard ad- PVA President, 2022FOGHORN 4'