b'MEMBERNEWSSTI Marine Firestop Celebrates 30 Years John Waggoner Joins St. Louis Feds PVA Associate member STI MarineTransportation Industry CouncilFirestop, Summerville, NJ, is celebrat- John Waggoner, vice chairman of Hornblower Group in ing three decades in fi re managementNew Albany, Ind., has been named to the Transportation systems. STI Marine Firestop is aIndustry Council of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. division of STI focused on shipbuild- The announcement was made public on October 5.ing and maritime applications.The St. Louis Fed created four District Industry Councils STI develops innovative fi re pro- in 2006, each designed to provide the Fed with important tection systems that help stop thefeedback about economic conditions in key Eighth District spread of fi re, smoke and hot gases.industry sectors. The members observationsalong with The company said in a publicthe economic data developed through the Federal ReserveJohn Waggonermessage, As we celebrate ourBoards Beige Book and meetings of the Reserve Banks 30th anniversary we want to par- boards of directorshelp ensure conditions in Main Street America are ticularly thank those who initiallyrepresented in monetary policy deliberations in Washington.took a chance on us and put us inI am inspired and honored that I will be joining the Transportation business, and all those who keep us inIndustry Council of Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, Waggoner said after business. the announcement was made. This council has the essential role of providing The firm started with just twothe Fed with important economic condition feedback in key industry sectors. people, working out of a garage, de- I look forward to serving and am gratefully excited for this opportunity.termined to make a difference inEach council is supported by one of the St. Louis Feds four offi ces: firestop technology to becoming anSt. Louis (real estate); Little Rock, Ark. (agribusiness); Louisville, Ky. international leader with worldwide(health care); and Memphis, Tenn. (transportation). The councils meet offi ces in seven countries to serve theirtwice a year. nglobal clientele. nYOU DONT WORRYwestmarinepro.comwestmarinepro.comYour 24/7 destination thats packed with the featuresABOUT KEEPINGyYour 2ee4d t/7 do gesett tinahe mtion toshat outs pat of yckoued wr timith te ahne fd meaotunreeys .ou nYOUR COOL you need to get the most out of your time and money.UNTIL YOU LOSE IT. FastIncreasedStreamlinedQuick OrderPage Loads Inventory Availability CheckoutFastIncreasedStreamlined Page Loads Inventory Availability Checkout Quick OrderMultiple Improved Easy Requisition Account Sign-Ons Search Invoice Look-up Lists Multiple Improved Easy Requisition Account Sign-Ons Search Invoice Look-up Lists All backed by the power of West Marine Pro.All backed by the power of West Marine Pro. Over 135,000 products for your businessGet it. Never lose it.Ove 2r 18 r35e,0g0io0 pnal drodisuctribts futoior yn couenr bteurssinessExpect peak cooling efficiency. Sa 2me8 r-deagy vionan dal deislitvreibruty 2ion c5en0+ stertsores Expect trusted dependability. GRIDCOOLER T ameo-sdt-aky vnoan dwledeglievaebry 2le and s50+ seasotornees d She mKeel Cooler WEKA Tshae mleso rsetp-krensoewlnetadtigveeas binle an the d sindeuassotrynedExpect expert support. BoxcoolerR.W. Fernstrum Cooling Solutions. sales representatives in the industry1-800-621-6885 or visit westmarinepro.com.fernstrum.com| 906.863.5553| sales@fernstrum.com 1-800-621-6885 or visit westmarinepro.com.R.W. Fernstrum & Company is an ISO 9001:2015 Certified CompanyOCTOBER 2020FOGHORN 45'