b'LEGISLATIVEREPORTpresidency. Andrew Jackson obtainedand Oregon, and collectively theyphenomenon of a successful presi-a clear plurality of the popular votecommanded 20 Electoral College votes.dential candidate who failed to win and also had a lead over John QuincyIn the three southern states, unoffi cialthe popular vote was a relic of ancient Adams in the Electoral College. Butand violent means had been employedAmerican history. The election of 2000 Jackson failed to obtain a majority ofto hold down or even prevent votingput the lie to that belief. Democrat Al Electoral College votes, so the House ofby African-Americans. No one couldGore narrowly won the nationwide Representatives convened for a con- ever determine for sure who the winnerpopular vote by just short of 544,000 tingent election. Of the 24 states in theactually was in the contested states. So(out of over 105 million total votes cast). nation at the time, 13 voted for Adamsearly in 1877, Congress created a specialBut because he prevailed in Florida by a (in part because unsuccessful candidateCommission to decide the election. In amere 537 votes (after the U.S. Supreme Henry Clay actively supported him),political compromise, the CommissionCourt shut down a controversial shocking Jackson and depriving himawarded the 20 disputed Electoralrecount), Republican George W. Bush of the presidency. Jackson turnedCollege votes to Republican Hayes,collected that states 25 electoral votes, the tables four years later by handilygiving him a one-vote edge. This wasthereby carrying the Electoral College defeating President Adams. done with the correct expectation thatby 271-266 with one abstention.The politics of post-Civil WarPresident Hayes would withdrawThus, this year, the vote that will Reconstruction had a tremendousfederal troops from the South, effective- technically determine who will be the impact on the election of 1876.ly ending Reconstruction and enablingnext president will not be on November Democratic nominee Tilden outpacedDemocrats to resume power in that3 but will occur on December 14, when Foghorn Ad 1|1/4p|3.375 x 4.875Republican Rutherford Hayes in theregion. This is the only U.S. election inElectors assemble in their respective popular vote. It appeared that he waswhich a candidate received a majoritystate capitals and cast their votes. On also ahead in the Electoral College vote,(not a plurality) of the popular vote butJanuary 6, 2021, the newly elected 184-165. But there was controversywas not seated as President. Congress is to meet to offi cially count and uncertainty regarding the resultsAs the twentieth century came tothe votes of the Electoral College and in Florida, South Carolina, Louisiana,a close, many had assumed that theannounce the certifi ed results. nPROPSPEED Propellers | Rudders | Shafts | Struts is effective on: |Trimtabs|IPSdrives|ThrustersKeel coolers | Underwater lights (clear coat) | Any underwater metal surfacePROPSPEED can be used on boats of all types & sizesBothrecreationalandcommercial,fromsport-fishers, cruisers, sailboats and superyachts to work boats like ferries, trawlers, tugboats, research ships and patrol boats.BREAKER IIOn her way up the Hudson to Buffalo, NYSave on your boats running costs for delivery to NY Power AuthorityHaving clean props and running gear lowers maintenance costs, reduces corrosion and decreases fuel burn. BUILT TO SERVEBUILT TO LASTBUILT BY BLOUNT401.245.8300info@blountboats.comwww.propspeed.com BLOUNTBOATS.COM WARREN, RIOCTOBER 2020FOGHORN 35'