b'MEMBERNEWSMaine Maritime Academy, Sea Machines and MARAD Team Up to Include Intelligent Vessel Systems in CurriculumCadets at PVA member Mainestruction to cadets using MMAs 41-ftMMA students will command Maritime Academy (MMA), Castine,Coast Guard cutter-class workboatand control the autonomous vessel in ME, are taking remote learning to aR/V Quickwater, which is being outfi ttedthe Castine Harbor and surrounding whole new level. Boston-based Seanow with Sea Machines SM300 auton- areas from the shoreside station. While Machines Robotics, a PVA Associatelearning about autonomous systems member and developer of autono- and their impact on the future of the mous command and control systemscommercial marine industry, project for surface vessels, has partnered withmanagers and MMA students will MMA and representatives of the U.S.measure the vessels emissions output Maritime Administration (MARAD)sto determine the precise efficien-Maritime Environmental andcies gained, documenting differences Technical Assistance (META) Programamong various engines, equipment and to bring hands-on education aboutsea states. During these hands-on trials, autonomous marine systems into theparticipants will collect additional data MMA curriculum.about the vessels situational awareness The META program promotesMMA Cadet Mary Shea operates a Sea Machinesand operational performance, predict-the research, demonstration, and de- Autonomous vessel. ability and safety during missions. velopment of emerging technologies,The importance of this partner-practices, and processes that improveomous control system, and a shoresideship extends beyond providing quan-maritime industrial environmentalcommand station located on campus.titative data for what we already know sustainability. Through the METAWith education of the next generation that autonomous technology can Program, MARAD partners withof mariners being the primary focusbe leveraged to improve vessels op-federal, state, and local agencies, theof this partnership, the group will alsoerational efficiency, productivity and maritime industry and academia, todemonstrate and document autono- predictability while reducing at-sea develop and carry out projects thatmous vessel technologys ability tonavigation incidents. This project is provide all stakeholders with informa- increase at-sea situational awareness,ultimately about preparing future tion and insight on maritime environ- safety, energy efficiency, operationalmerchant marine officers with the mental issues.performance and the environmentaltraining and skills they will need to The Academy will provide in- impact thereof.command the digital, data-driven com-mercial fleets of the 21st century. We also anticipate that this initiative will further accelerate the multi-user opera-tional review and validation of human-in-the-loop autonomous systems, said Safety is not a compromise. Add New PPE! Sea Machines Michael G. Johnson, Dedicated Engineering and Customer Service support CEO. MMA and MARAD have been Regional sales people throughout the US and coastal areas tremendous partners and we look New products to meet any vessel configurationAll seats meet requirements of IMO HSC Code forward to working with them on this project and others like it in the future.The goal of this initiative is to expand Maine Maritimes current research portfolio and to provide our students with the opportunity to gain education and training on new smart vessel technology. The cutting edge technology will enhance Catalina GenoaFlipSeat Valencia NewSocialDistance students awareness of and use of such Seat AluminumSeat SeatBand systems, which are quickly entering SUPPLYINGMAJORCITIES,BUILDERSANDOPERATORSACROSSNORTHAMERICA the maritime industry, said MMAs WWW.FREEDMANSEATING.COM | (800) 443-4540 Jennifer Norwood, assistant professor, marine transportation. In addition to Maritime Maritime Academy, continued on page 4342OCTOBER 2020FOGHORN'