b'PVA WORKING FOR YOUHow PVA Bene ts YouBy Jen Wilk, Director, Public AffairsEncouraging Regulatory FlexibilityPVA Comments and Development on National Park Service Proposed RuleR ecently, PVA submitted comments to the U.S.operators, and a positive passenger experience is vital to National Park Service (NPS) in support of changes tothe passenger vessel industry overall. PVA has emphasized the rules on concession contracts and visitor services.that regular maintenance and at times substantial updates This proposal would revise theof the boat, its docks/facilities, process of solicitation, award,and other critical infrastructure and administration of concessionare important components of contracts, while also opening upsafety. PVA supported the NPS the methods of improving andchanges that encourage such identifying new visitor services.maintenance and improvements, As you know, for decadesand furthering the ability for PVA has been urging agencies tocompanies to plan and set reduce administrative burdensaside funds for such large and provide regulatory fl exibilityinvestments. The NPS continued for the passenger vessel industry.encouragement of investment The changes in the NPSinmaintainingcritical proposal advance these goalsinfrastructure is important to and allow for a more adaptiveongoing safety.environment for both theThe passenger vessel agency and concessioners alike.industryisconstantly Creating this accommodationimplementing new technology, could not be more timely, asto continually improve the open communication andpassenger experience, and understanding with governmentdedicating resources toward partners is even more criticalenvironmental stewardship. during the COVID-19 pandemic.NPS vessel operators exemplify In PVAs comments to thethis, time after time, bringing Director of the National Parkforward innovative practices to Service, 2020 PVA President Click here to view PVAs full comments to theenhance visitor experiences. In Colleen Stephens stated,U. S. National Park Service. its comments, PVA encouraged Impacts of the COVID globalthe Park Service to extend its pandemic make regulatory flexibility even more critical.fl exibility to the evaluation of new projects and provisions in Companies struggle with challenging operational decisions,concession contracts.as they strive to re-open safely. There is a greater urgencyAlso, the passenger vessel industry serves NPS units for a more adaptable agency to manage individual requestsacross the country by operating vessels, docks, and passenger of concessioners. Speaking more about the impact ofloading facilities. Several NPS areas are only accessible by COVID nationwide Stephens stated, Nearly all of PVAsmeans of waterborne transportation. If not for vessel service member operators are small businesses as defined by theprovided by concessioners there would be no other current Small Business Administration, and have felt the hardshipsmeans for the general public to visit these destinations. These associated with the global pandemic to a more severe extent. regulatory updates advance operators abilities continue and Speaking on behalf of all potentially impacted members,expand these important vessel services to NPS units across PVA also supported NPS updates which would preserve andthe country. improve a competitive process.PVA is working for you, to develop greater flexibility Reinforcing members commitment to safety, PVAbetween government agencies and industry, especially highlighted that safety is of the utmost importance toduring these challenging times. n36OCTOBER 2020FOGHORN'