b'FOGHORN is a monthly publication of thePassenger Vessel Association. Copyright 2020.All rights reserved.PRESIDENTColleen Stephens, Stan Stephens Glacierand Wildlife Cruises, Valdez, AKVICE PRESIDENTBob Bijur, Island Queen Cruises, Miami, FLSECRETARY/TREASURERJim Swindler, Golden Gate Bridge, Highway and Transportation District, San Francisco, CABOARD MEMBERS Volume 19, Number 09OCTOBER 2020Ben Bernstein, BB Riverboats, Newport, KYRichard Davison, Paradise Cruise Ltd., Honolulu, HIJed Dixon, North Carolina Department of FOGHORN Focus:TransportationFerry Division, Manns Harbor, NCSteve Jones, Gateway Clipper Fleet, Pittsburgh, PA Marine PropulsionJohn Lake, Hornblower, Alexandria, VAPatrick Murphy, Blue and Gold Fleet,San Francisco, CA 6 Emission-reducing Tech PowersAlison Nolan, Boston Harbor Cruises, Boston, MA Water Transport Around the U.S.Hoyt Purinton, Washington Island Ferry Line, Around the nation vessel operators are adopting Washington Island, WI cleaner, greener propulsion systems to keep their ASSOCIATE MEMBER REPRESENTATIVE vessels moving. The list of vessels running on Rob McMahon, Pinnacle Marine Corporation,batteries continues to grow. Stoddard, WIPVA PAST PRESIDENTS 16Jet Propulsion Powers Lake PowellAbout the Cover Bob Lawler, Boston Harbor Cruises, Boston, MA Operators New Vessel Lake Powell is a popular Gus Gaspardo, Padelford Packet Boat Company, Passengers aboard the Lady Emma, operated bydestination, especially St. Paul, MN Aramak at Lake Powell Resort & Marina feel thefor boat lovers. Aramark Jeff Whitaker, Altamont, NY at Lake Powell Resort & power of jet propulsion from John Deere PowerMarinas Lady Emma offers EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Systems engines, HamiltonJet waterjets, and a ZFtours of the lake powered John R. Groundwater transmission installed by Cascade Engine Centers.by John Deere Power LEGISLATIVE DIRECTOR Systems and HamiltonJet. Edmund Welch 20Greener Propulsion: Story, page 16. Photo Whats Next After Diesel Fuel courtesy of Aramark.REGULATORY AFFAIRS CONSULTANTPeter Lauridsen John Waterhouse examines what the next wave ColumnsDIRECTOR OF FINANCE of propulsion to power up the commercial maritime4 Presidents LetterLeslie Kagarise community will be. He looks at several options 5 Executive Directors DIRECTOR, PUBLIC AFFAIRS to determine the likely winner of the Fourth LetterAND DEVELOPMENT Industrial Revolution. 28Passenger Vessel Jennifer Wilk 26Scania Engines Power Up Alaskan FoundationDIRECTOR OF REGULATORY AFFAIRS and New England Operators 30Business MattersAND RISK MANAGEMENT Scania was the engine of choice for several vessel34Legislative ReportEric Christensen operators. Why? Performance says a PVA vessel36How PVA Benefits YouGENERAL COUNSEL operator in Alaska. 37Safety MattersSteven Bers, Whiteford, Taylor and PrestonEDITORIAL OFFICES 39PVA WelcomesManaging Editor: Karen RainboltNew Memberpvafoghorn@aol.com40Coast Guard Report2771 Houston Dr., Los Osos, CA 9340242Member NewsTEL: (571) 388-7752 PRINTED WITH 46NewswireCONTRIBUTING EDITOR: SOY INK 48Advertisers IndexRichard Purinton: richard@wisferry.com Washington Island Ferry Line, Washington Island, WIADVERTISING AND BUSINESS OFFICES PASSENGER VESSEL ASSOCIATIONPublisher: Peter Philips, peter@philipspublishing.com tel: 1 (800) 807-8360fax: (703) 518-5151pvainfo@passengervessel.comADVERTISING SALES:Bill Forslund: bill@philipspublishing.com FOGHORN (USPS Number 023-702) is published monthly except combined January/February by Philips 4257 24th Avenue W, Seattle, WA 98199Publishing LLC, 4257 24th Avenue W, Seattle WA 98199. Periodicals postage paid at Seattle, WA and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to FOGHORN, c/o Passenger TEL: (206) 284-8285 FAX: (206) 284-0391 Vessel Association, 103 Oronoco Street, Suite 200, Alexandria, VA 22314. Copyright 2020 by the www.philipspublishing.com Passenger Vessel Association. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the written consent of the Passenger Vessel Association.OCTOBER 2020FOGHORN 3'