b'FOGHORNFOCUS: MARINE PROPULSIONFigure 2 - Sankey Diagram on Cruise Ship Energy Systems. Source: Energy and Exergy Analysis of a Cruise Ship, Baldi, Ahlgren, Nguyen, Gabrielli & Anderson, Proceedings of ECOS 2015dominant fuel to petroleum products.over millennia turned into coal andclockwise in the Southern Hemisphere. We also saw riveted constructionpetroleum. The combination of sunlightNuclear elements such as uranium and transition to welded structures,and the Earths rotation also createsplutonium are the result of star destruc-reducing the number of structural partsthe movement of air across the oceanstion, where heavier elements beyond and the labor to fasten them together.that we call wind, clockwise in thethe iron group, including uranium, There was a third revolution that reallyNorthern Hemisphere and counter- plutonium, and the other actinides, are began to take hold in the 1960s when internal combustion diesel engines supplanted steam as the preferred choice for propulsion. That same period also saw the rise of computer-aided design and construction that further reduced the labor required to build a ship. The fourth industrial revolution will move the marine industry away from diesel propulsion. The question is what technologies will supplant the compact, reliable, relatively low-cost diesel engine?Energy Sources and UsesSo, what do sails and rigging, steam plants, and diesel engines have in common? They all convert a form4615-CTC Luxury Water Taxiof energy (wind, coal, fuel oil) intoCOI 30 Passengers + 2 Crewmotion. The fourth revolution will have to do the same.Raising the Standards for Passenger VesselsMost energy on Earth comes from the Sun. Sunlight made the plants thatsales@armstrongmarine.com | (360) 457-5752 | www.armstrongmarine.comOCTOBER 2020FOGHORN 21'
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