b'FOGHORNFOCUS: MARINE PROPULSIONGees Bend Ferry, operated by Hornblower, is propelled by electric power. Photo: Glosten. CO2 (Carbon dioxide) air emissionspulsion be considered for the design oflocal community and the global envi-by 619,359 kg. A propulsion/feasibil- a replacement vessel that will provideronment.ity study, completed by PVA Associatesafe and reliable service. Today, PVA Associate Member Art Anderson Associates in 2016,The viability of technology forGlosten, Seattle, WA, is leading the concluded, that based on power re- an electric ferry has been proven inproject for the ferry system. quirements, an all-electric propul- Norway. Development of the all-elec- This is relatively new propul-sion system for a new concept vesseltric ferry demonstrates that Skagitsion technologywe need to make to replace the M/V Guemes is highlyCounty and Washington State aresure we get this right. We believe this feasible for this particular route andtechnology leaders willing to invest inlevel of engagement with the vendor its unique environmental conditions safe, environmentally conscious, cleancommunity will allow us and Glosten It is recommended that all-electric pro- energy projects that benefit both theto develop the best design for our community, Captain Rachel Rowe, Skagit County Public Works Ferry Operations Division Manager told Maritime Executive in May.Is ElectricSkagit Countys Guemes Island ferry will not the only electric one on Right ForU.S. waterways. Alabamas historic Gees Bend Ferry was re-launched You? in April 2019 after conversion from geared-diesel to 100 percent battery-electric, making it the first zero-emission, electric-powered passenger/car ferry in the United States. The 15-vehicle, 132-passenger ferry vessel is in service on the Alabama river between Camden and Boykin (Gees Lets talk about it Bend) AL. ferry was also a The Alabama Glosten project. In early 2016, under Torqeedo Inc. T +1 (815) 444 8806 contract from PVA member HMS 171 Erick Street, Unit A - 1 usa@torqeedo.com Ferries, Glosten completed a feasibility Crystal Lake, IL 60014 www.torqeedo.com study for converting the historic Gees Bend ferry to 100 percent 10OCTOBER 2020FOGHORN'
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