b'LETTER FROM THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTORTHE X15Improving BusinessAT THE HELMClimate Coupled with RUNS AOngoing ChallengesTIGHT SHIP.JOHN GROUNDWATER // EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR meetingswillbeheldaboardmember Mariners trust mariners, and for good reason: NobodyW e have been extremely pleased to hear that PVA membersManyofour2022regionmeeting programs, you will notice that inalmosteverypassengerindustrysegmentareseeingpassenger vessels and we thank them for making their vessels available. improved business conditions. While things are not perfectAs you review the region knows the water like you do. And nobody knowsby any means, members are reporting that they are relieved to getnumerous roundtable and open discussions have been planned. We marine engines like we do, so allow us to introduceback underway and that they are observing that customers are eagerbelieve that there is a great deal of new information that can be shared the X15. Its perfect for medium-sized passengerto experience and enjoy our nations beautiful waterways aboard U.S.between members in this way. These sessions will include, among vesselswhether new builds or repower. It savespassenger vessels. other topics, discussions about:space in the engine room, delivers cleaner emissionsBut there are still challenges facing our industry, such as the continuing Overcoming challenges in fi nding employeesand improves fuel economyall in a neat, durableindoor mask mandate for transportation conveyancesincluding Employee benefi t and retention trendsCummins package. cummins.com/marine passenger vesselsdue to the lingering eff ects of COVID-19 and Maintaining passenger and crew healthgrowingconcernabouttheloomingDeltavariant.Aftermany Legal marijuana: what you need to know months of coping with the eff ects of the pandemic, PVA members COVID-19 vessel sanitation techniques have developed highly eff ective programs to protect the health and safety of both passengers and crew which should comfort governmentRecognizing the value of involving the U.S. Coast Guard in our region regulators and the travelling public.meetings, we have invited key Coast Guard players in each region to participate.AHOY.USNEW ADVENTURESARE YOU PARTICIPATING?Ahoy.us is the name of the new digital marketing program, and theFollowing is detailed information about each PVA region meeting:corresponding website, created and launched by PVA for members. It is intended to assist in promoting PVA member companies to travel- PVA Southeast Region Meetinghungry customers nationwide. Your participation is important to theSeptember 27-28, 2021success of this program. Bahia Mar Hotel, Ft. Lauderdale Beach 801 Seabreeze Blvd.Ahoy.us highlights the exciting experiences that are available to the Fort Lauderdale, Fla. traveling public aboard PVA member passenger vessels. While usersClick herecan access PVA member companies by state, they can also search by various adventure categories. Each PVA member company will bePVA Great Lakes Region Meetingfeatured on a separate page that includes images of their vessels alongOctober 18-20, 2021with a detailed description of their product off erings. In addition,Put-in-Bay Yacht Club thepagehasalinktothecompanyswebsite,aswellaslinksto536 W. Bayview Ave.communicate directly with the company. Put-In-Bay, OhioClick hereIs your company featured on Ahoy.us New Adventures? If you have not yet signed up, I encourage you to do so. Do not miss out on thisPVA Western Region Meetingvaluable marketing opportunity.Register using the link below: October 25-27, 2021Meeting aboard Admiral Hornblower Upload Company Information for Your Company Profi le Pier 1, Hornblower LandingUsing the link to the Member Update Form below, upload yourSan Diego, Calif.company information for your business profi le on the Ahoy. Click hereorg website.This form will provide you a place to upload a text listing, your logo, and images specifi c to your profi le section.PVA Original Colonies Region MeetingNovember 2-4, 2021 Member Update Form Cross Sound FerryAboard Cape HenlopenPVA REGION MEETINGS ON THE HORIZON 2 Ferry St. I am thrilled to report that PVA will hold a full lineup of face-to-faceNew London, Conn. region meetings this fall. These meetings were last held in 2019 andClick herewere postponed in 2020 due to the coronavirus.Continued on page 3520XX Cummins Inc. AUGUST 2021 7 LETTER FROM THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'