b'NEWSWIRE:NEWSWIRENew Chair of the National Transportation Saftey BoardNew NTSB Chair Photo credit: James Anderson T heHonorableJenniferL.HomendyhasbeensworninasIn Sept. 2019, Homendy was the member assigned to lead the NTSBsre the new Chair of the National Transportation Safety Boardon-scene investigation of the fatal fi that destroyed the anchored (NTSB).AmemberofNTSBsinceAug.2018,shewasovernightdiveboatMVConceptionoff SantaCruzIsland,Calif. nominated by President Joe Biden and unanimously confi rmed by theSubsequently, she successfully advocated the inclusion of an item on U.S. Senate. Her predecessor as Board Chair, Robert Sumwalt, ret iredpassenger and fi shing vessel safety as part of the NTSBs Most Wanted from federal service in mid-summer. List of Transportation Safety Improvements for 2021-2022.Prior to her initial appointment to the NTSB, she was DemocraticTheNTSBsvotingmembershipconsistsoffi Presidentially- ve StaffDirector for the U.S. House of Representatives Subcommitteeappointed Board members. The Safety Boards mission is to investigate on Railroads, Pipelines, and Hazardous Materials. She is the fourthtransportation accidents and casualties (including maritime events), woman to lead the NTSB and one of 11 women who have served asascertain probable causes, and make recommendations to governmental board members.bodies and private sector entities for preventive measures. DeJong & Lebet, Inc.ExperienceNaval ArchitectsMarine EngineersWhen YouConsultantsSurveyorsNeed It. 71 Sea Island ExplorerEachyear,thousandsofpreventablemaritime accidents are caused by operator inattention, cited twice as frequently as the next leading factor. The Furuno BR500 Bridge Navigational Watch Alarm140 Odyssey Chicago RiverSystem (BNWAS) helps to prevent these accidents.Scan this code with your smart phone for a Guided Tour of the BR500. www.dejongandlebet.com1734 Emerson Street, Jacksonville, FL 32207www.FurunoUSA.com (904) 399-3673 info@dejongandlebet.comNEWSWIRE 34 FOGHORN'