b'While marijuanas federal Schedule 1 status means that the testing of DOT-regulated employees remains unchanged, changes in state law can complicate an employers testing program as it relates to employees who are not subject to DOT regulations.Photo by Caleb Perez on Unsplashprotected by the states medical marijuana laws. Employers would beAccording to Dr. Barry Sample, director of science and technology well advised to seek legal counsel in the development of drug testingforemployersolutionsatQuestDiagnostics,currenttesting programs as they relate to shoreside employees. methodologiesonlyshowwhethersomeonehasusedmarijuana, not if that individual is under the infl uence. It doesnt inform you Whenmarijuanaentersapersonsbody,whetherviasmoking,whether someone was impaired or what their usage patterns are. The vaporizing, or consuming an edible, they are ingesting active THC. ItNational Safety Councils vice president of government aff airs, Jane is the active THC that produces the psychoactive eff ect or high. TheTerry, concurs that there is no scientifi c test for impairment based body metabolizes THC, just as it does alcohol, but, unlike alcohol,on marijuana use.THC can remain in your fatty tissues for up to 30 days, even longer for habitual users. A urine test detects inactive THC, so a urine testSome states have established per se limits making it illegal to drive that is positive for THC could be from marijuana that was consumedwith specifi c concentrations of THC in ones system. For instance, a month ago. Thus, the mere presence of THC is inconclusive as toColorado has set a limit of 5 ng of THC per mL of blood. But whether the donor was impaired. according to a 2020 study backed by a grant from the DOJs National AUGUST 2021 19 FOGHORN FOCUS: SAFETY'