b'that no member of a vessels crew can operate onannual basis. PVA staffhighly recommendswebsite (www.passengervessel.com) members an expired Merchant Mariner Credential (MMC)that members go directly through the NVDCwill fi access to training materials, samplend or medical certifi cate after that date. Vessel ownerwebsite(https://www.dco.uscg.mil/)whendrills,andthelatestinspectionchecklists and operators need to be aware of the credentialrenewingaCOD.Thereareanumberoffrom the Coast Guard. Members also have expirationsdatesoftheircredentialedcrew.Athird party companies out there who claimaccess to our online learning portal hosted copy of the MSIB can be found here.to be able to renew a COD on an ownersby PVA Associate Member Marine Learning behalf for a fee.Not all of these companiesSystems.Theonlineportal(pva.marinels.At this time, there is no backlog for the processingare legitimate. com) contains all the PVA developed training of medical certifi cates according to the Coast Guardmanuals as well as other content developed NationalMaritimeCenter(NMC).However,RECAP OF AVAILABLE TOOLS bytheSafetyandSecurityCommittee. NMC is reporting a backlog in processing MMCsPVAhasarobustsetoftrainingandTheonlinecontentrequiresanadditional and recommends persons apply 90 days in advancecompliancetoolsavailableformemberstologin,soifamemberisnotsureoftheir of the MMC expiration. help them navigate the regulatory seascape.logininformation,theycancontactmeat In the member download area of the PVAechristensen@passengervessel.com.Mariners who have been away from operating a vessel for the last 18 months need to make sure they are enrolled in the companys DOT drug and alcohol program or consortium. DOCUMENTS AND DOCUMENTATIONAsmentionedpreviously,manyoperators removed vessels from service during the pandemic.Public Tickets & Stillotherssoughtreliefbyrequestingdrydock extensions for up to one year. The Coast GuardPrivate Charterswas very accommodating with drydock extension.together at lastrequests and nearly all the operators who sought extensionsgotthem.TheCoastGuardalso allowed for virtual inspections to reduce physical contact between inspectors and crew and to deferEFFORTLESSEFFORTLESScertain inspection items. RESERVATIONS CONTRACTS+ TICKETING for Private ChartersThe deferrals and extensions are coming due orfor Public Cruises and Group Bookingshave come due, so it is critically important that vesseloperatorsknowwheninspectionitems aredueandtoplanforthemaccordingly.InIntegrated online,Custom PDF contracts some cases, an operator may not have received anphone and walk-upwith fully-trackable amended COI with a new drydock date followingbookings versioninga successful request for an extension. They likely received a letter, and the Coast Guard updatedAutomated conrmation,Support for private their electronic database, but an amended COIreminder and follow-upcharters, schools and may not be the one posted on the vessel.emails tour groupsSome vessel operators may have taken the graceMarketing and SearchDetailed reports for period for annual inspections to the full 90 daysEngine Optimizationevent planning and (three months) after the date on the COI as allowed(SEO) nancial trackingby the regulations, but that does not apply to thePersonalized set-up, expiration of the COI. When the COI expires, thetraining and supportResource tracking for vessel can no longer operate in inspected service,included multi-use inventoryso it is important for vessel operators to know the expiration date on the COI.Another document that a vessel cannot operate withoutistheCertifi cateofDocumentation (COD). Any vessel over fi ve net tons in commercialManage your entire servicemustbedocumentedforCoastwisebusiness from a single, Service in order to carry passengers for hire. Vesselintegrated platformdocumentationisdonethroughtheNational VesselDocumentationCenter(NVDC)onan SCHEDULE A DEMOWWW.STARBOARDSUITE.COMAUGUST 2021 31 SAFETY MATTERS'