b'SAFETY MATTERS:Operating Safely in a (Almost) SAFETYPost-COVID-19 EnvironmentERIC CHRISTENSEN PVA DIRECTOR OF REGULATORY AFFAIRS & RISK MANAGEMENTA scompaniesbegantoemergefromoutdoor areas of the conveyance (if such outdoorindustry, but of course that is our focus. In some variousCOVID-19restrictionsandareasexistontheconveyance).Operatorsofcases,companieshavehadtokeepvesselstied begin operations in spring of this yeartransportation hubs must require all persons toup due to a lack of personnel. For some larger there was cautious optimism that things wouldwear a mask when entering or while indoorsvessels,theirCertifi catesofInspection(COI) get back to something close to normal. Whileon the premises of a transportation hub. require the full complement of crew to get the thathasntexactlyhappenedforeveryone,vesselunderway.Thiscanmakeabadlabor and challenges abound, now is a good time toMembersoftheRegulatoryandSafety&situation worse.remind folks of the current state of regulatorySecurityCommitteeshavebeenreporting complianceandhowtomaintainvesseloutregularlyontheissuesassociatedwithTheCoastGuardhasguidancecontainedin readiness and crew vigilance as we get into thecompelling compliance with the CDC MaskVolumeIIIoftheMarineSafetyManualfor traditionally slower fall operating season.Order and Coast Guard MSIB. Relaxation ofdetermining manning on small passenger vessels. the order was a welcome relief for most andFor vessels that carry over 150 passengers there is CDC GUIDELINES at this point enforcement posture varies withthe ability to add deckhands incrementally with PVA was successful in working with the Centersoperation type and depending on where in thethe addition of more passengers. What this means for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) andcountry a company operates. is there is less manning required on a vessel when the U.S. Coast Guard to amend the CDC Maskcarrying 200 passengers than carrying 400 or 600 Order such that masks are no longer requiredPVAstaff willcontinuetoworkwithCDCpassengers. If an operator has a COI that is not inoutdoorareasofthevesselandfacilities.and the Coast Guard to seek additional relief asendorsed with a sliding scale for deckhands, they Forareasotherthanoutdoors,Change2toconditions improve. needtoseekthatendorsementthroughtheir theCoastGuardMarineSafetyInformationlocalCoastGuardOfficerinChargeMarine Bulletin 02-21 states:SCALED MANNING Inspection (OCMI).Probably the one issue that we hear about the ConveyanceoperatorsmustcontinuetomostfrommembersduringthischallengingCrewmembersinnon-marinepositionssuch requireallpersonsonboardtowearmaskstimeisthelackofavailableand/orqualifi edas galley, waitstaff , and bartenders are normally whenboarding,disembarking,andforthepersonnel.Thecurrentlaborshortageisconsidered Other Persons in the Crew on the duration of travel, unless they are located innotlimitedtothedomesticpassengervesselCOI. That is a maximum number and not tied to your ability to operate as far as the Coast Guard isconcerned.Operatingwithfewerbartenders orwaitstaff isabusinessdecisiontiedtothe customer experience and not vessel safety.The ability to reduce the number of marine crew on an inspected small passenger vessel requires a discussion with your local OCMI. Variables such as route, hours and type of operation, number of decks available to passengers, and number of passengers all factor into manning.CREDENTIALING/MARINER FITNESSMaintenance During the pandemic, the Coast Guard exercised Simplified! their authority to extend mariner credentials andmedical certifi cates to the greatest extent possible. All extensions expire on October 31, 2021, or oneyearaftertheexpirationofthecredential, whichever comes fi rst, as per Coast Guard Marine 17 SafetyInformationBulletin08-20,Change5 978-562-5211 published on December 22, 2020. This means WheelHouseTech.comSAFETY MATTERS 30 FOGHORN'