b'COAST GUARD REPORT:Rear Admiral John W. Mauger New Assistant Commandant for Prevention Policy R ear Admiral John W. Mauger has assumedRDMLMaugerwillnowleadtheCoastdiscussion of safety issues and other topics of dutiesasAssistantCommandantforGuards participation in the bi-annual PVA/ mutual concern to the Coast Guard and the PreventionPolicyatU.S.CoastGuardCoast Guard QP meetings. These meetingspassenger vessel industry.Headquarters,whereheisresponsiblefortheprovideanon-regulatoryforumforthe developmentofnationalpolicy,standards,and programs promoting marine safety, security, and environmentalstewardship.HereplacedRearPhoto courtesy of Hy-Line CruisesAdmiral Richard V. Timme who now commands the Coast Guards 8th District in New Orleans, La. RDML Mauger will now lead the Coast Guards participation in theAsk us aboutTripL ggerbi-annual PVA/CoastCustom Apps for Passenger Vessel FleetsGuard QP meetings. These meetings provideRemotely Monitor & Track Your Assetsa non-regulatory forum Remotely Monitor Critical Systemsfor the discussion of Total Vessel Maintenance Automation Simplify Record Keeping & Invoicingsafety issues and other Track, Report & Archive Compliance Datatopics of mutual concern Receive Alert Notifications gplink.com| +1.252.504.5113to the Coast Guard and the passenger vesselWe take the heat, industry. so you dont have to.Cool. Because you need it. We deliver cool based on No stranger to Passenger Vessel Association (PVA),your reality. So no matter where you operate, hot days RDMLMauger,amongvariousassignments,and heavy loads will never slow you down. was the commanding officer of the Coast Guard MarineSafetyCenter,whereheservedasthe CoastGuardsleadtechnicalauthorityforthe implementationofcommercialsafety,security, andenvironmentalprotectionregulations.As Chief, Office of Design and Engineering Standards at Coast Guard Headquarters, he and his staffparticipated in working groups chartered throughGRIDCOOLERWEKATranter Heat Keel Cooler Boxcooler ExchangersthePVA/CoastGuardQualityPartnership (QP) to resolve fi re safety and engineering issues onboard domestic passenger vessels. fernstrum.com| 1.906.863.5553| sales@fernstrum.com ISO 9001:2015 2021 R.W. Fernstrum & Company. All rights reserved. FERNSTRUM and GRIDCOOLER are registered trademarks of R.W. Fernstrum & Company. All other trademarks cited are the property of their respective owners.AUGUST 2021 43 REGULATORY REPORT'