b'NEWSWIRENEWSWIRE Budget Deal ExcludesMore Dollars for CERTS and RRFD espite the dogged efforts by the Pas- federal government going through the end ofsippi, did advocate for more CERTS and RRF senger Vessel Association and its lob- this fiscal 2022 (through Sept. 30). funding, but their efforts fell shortPossible bying partners, such as the Americanreasons for not including the funding are (1) Bus Association and the National RestaurantPVA and its lobbying allies will continue toconcern about inflation; (2) uneasiness over Association, Congress failed to include addi- seek other legislative opportunities to advancethe federal budget deficit; (3) a belief by some tional funding for the Treasury DepartmentsitsgoalsforCERTSandRRF,includingthat the pandemic and its related economic CERTS(CoronavirusEconomicReliefforretroactivenontaxabilityforpriorCERTSdisruptionsarewaning;and(4)afocuson Transportation Services) grant program andgrants,butwearesorelydisappointedthatemergency funding for Ukraine to withstand the Small Business Administrations Restau- Congress did not act as part of the omnibus.the Russian invasion.rantRevitalizationFund(RRF)grantpro-gram in the omnibus funding bill enacted inNumerouslawmakers,particularlySenators law on March 11.This new law will keep theReed of Rhode Island and Wicker of Missis-NEWSWIREPublic Ferry SystemsCan Compete for RAISE GrantsT he U.S. Department of TransportationHalf of the funds will be made available to proj- tion has a tool that will allow applicants to de-ismakingavailable$1.5billioninects in rural areas. The minimum rural projecttermine if their project location is considered competitive grant funding through thesize is $1 million. Half of the funds will go toasahistoricallydisadvantagedcommunity. Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sus- urban projects. The minimum urban projectThe tool is available here.tainability and Equity (RAISE) discretionarysize is $5 million. The maximum project size is grant program. $25 million. As was the case last year, the Department is encouraging applicants to consider how their Proposals must be submitted by Projectswillbeevaluatedonstatutorycri- projects can address climate change, ensure ra-Thursday, April 14, 2022. teriaofsafety,environmentalsustainability,cial equity, and remove barriers to opportunity.quality of life, economic competitiveness and RAISEdiscretionarygrantswerepreviouslyopportunity, state of good repair, partnership,This year the Department is also encouraging known as TIGER grants. They can be used forand innovation. New this year, RAISE appli- applicants to consider how their projects can a wide variety of transportation-related projects,cations will also be evaluated on the criteria ofcreate workforce development opportunities. including capital improvements for public ferrymobilityandcommunityconnectivity.TheApplicantscanbemorecompetitiveinthe systems. Previously, TIGER grants were givenDepartment will assess projects for universalevaluation process if they are creating jobs with to assist capital improvement for ferry terminalsdesign and accessibility for travelers, as well asfree and fair choice to join a union and good in New Orleans and Washington State. consider how proposals increase mobility forlabor standards, creating jobs that underserved freight and supply chain efficiency. communitiescanaccess,oraresupporting The $1.5 billion in available funding for 2022worker opportunities and training.representsa50percentincreaseinavailableAt least $15 million in funding is guaranteed funds compared to last year. Its a competitiveto go towards projects located in areas of per- Moreinformation,includingtheNoticeof program; last year applicants requested $10 insistentpovertyorhistoricallydisadvantagedFunding Opportunity, is available here. funding for every dollar available. communities. The Department of Transporta-FOGHORN 36'