b'member of the crew, to occur for allA Bridge Navigational Watch Alarm Systemstaying in that space conducts their egress drill members of the crew (BNWAS) is mentioned in the Interim Rulefrom that space and not a different space.as a device that may satisfy the requirementsAt least monthly while such membersof the monitoring device; however, it is notVesselscarryingovernightpassengersareare employed on board the vessels; and the only type of system that will be approved.alreadyrequiredtohavepassengersdonlife The Coast Guard is seeking input from thejackets and go to the appropriate embarkationEach time a crew member joins thepublic and industry on what type of systemsstation during the safety orientation, see 46crew of such vessel. should be accepted. Based on that feedback,CFR 122.506(e) and 185.506(e). A vessel op-the Coast Guard may revise the requires in aerator could satisfy the requirements of both While most of the new required informationFinal Rule. by having the emergency egress drill coincide above should be part of existing firefightingwith the passengers donning life jackets at their drills and training, some the more technicalBecause there is a level of uncertainty into whatembarkation station.requirementsoffireknowledgearenew.willbeacceptedbytheCoastGuard,PVA Fortunately for PVA members, the PVA Basicsubmitted a comment to the docket requesting Firefighting Manual and video covers infor- that the Coast Guard delay the plan submittalThe regulations will mation on fire types, classifications, spread,requirementsin46CFR122.410(b)and etc. The PVA Safety & Security Committee185.410(b)untilafterthecommentperiodbe phased in over two is in the process of updating the Basic Fire- closes in June 2022 and the Coast Guard hasyears for vessels with fighting Manual to ensure it is up to date withthe opportunity to evaluate the comments.the latest fire safety regulations and firefight- a keel laid date before ing information. The final requirements for overnight passenger vessel operators adds emergency egress drillsthe effective date. The manual and video are available throughfor passengers.the online learning management portal main-tainedbyPVAAssociateMemberMarineNew paragraphs 46 CFR 122.507 and 185.507PVA staff recommends that owners and oper-LearningSystems.Theonlineportalcanfor Subchapters K and T, respectively requireators log or otherwise document the new drill bereachedthroughtheMemberResourcesowners and operators to conduct emergencyrequirementseventhoughtherequirements tabonthePVAwebsiteunderSafetyandegress drills with the new passengers prior toaredelayeduntilapprovalbytheOfficeof Security Tools or by clicking on the followingthe vessel getting underway or having passen- Management and Budget.link pva.marinels.com.Each vessel operatinggers stay onboard overnight even if remaining member company has been assigned and sentat the dock. For a detailed explanation of the new and re-a user ID and password. Please contact me atvised regulations go to the Interim Rule on the echristensen@passengervessel.comtorequestDrills must be performed from the accommo- Federal Register website.login information.dation space a passenger will be staying in. As anexample,vesselswithmultipleovernightForquestionsaboutthisrulemaking,please ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS accommodation spaces must ensure whoever isemail me at echristensen@passengervessel.com.FOR OVERNIGHT OPERATIONSForvesselsregulatedunderSubchaptersK and T that are not ferries and have overnight accommodations for passengers there are two additional requirements that come into effect on March 28, 2022.New 46 CFR 122.410(b) and 185.410(b) for SubchaptersKandT,respectivelyrequires vesselsalreadyinservicetosubmitplansto theOCMIfortheinstallationanduseof monitoring devices to ensure wakefulness of the required night watchmen. The monitoring devices must satisfy the following: Must alert the crew in the case of anunresponsive watchstander; Must remain operable throughout thenighttime watch; andMust be arranged to ensure propercoverage of the passenger accommodation spaces, common areas, and spaces with potential fire hazards25 MARCH 2022'