b'MEMBER NEWSGladding-Hearn to Build Tenth Pilot Boat for Virgina Pilot AssociationT he Virginia Pilot Association has or- The harbor pilot boat measures 56 feet overall,mately seven feet aft of the pilothouse to ac-dered a high-speed, harbor pilot boatwith a 17.2-foot beam and a shoal 3.10-footcommodate small groups. The arrangement is fromPVAmemberGladding-Hearndraft. Powered by twin Volvo Penta D13-800,designed for up to two crew to stay overnight Shipbuilding, Duclos Corporation. It will beEPA Tier 3-certified diesel engines, each pro- orliveaboard.Thepilothouseisoutfitted the pilots tenth launch built by the Somerset,ducing 800 Bhp at 2300 rpm, the vessels topwith four seats, two berths, a galley, and settee Mass., shipyard. Delivery is scheduled for 2023. speed is to reach 35 knots. with a table. The forecastle includes an en-closed head, two berths, a hanging locker, and The all-aluminum launch is designed and out- Each engine will be connected to an IPS 3 pro- exposure suit cubbies.fitted to optimize harbor service. It displacespulsion pod, fitted with dual forward-facing, about 2,000 pounds less than a similar-sizedcounter-rotating propellers, and an integratedOutsideofthewheelhouseareheatedside-offshore pilot boat. As a result, the boat ac- exhaust system, and Volvo Pentas integrateddecks and handrails to prevent ice accumula-celerates faster and reaches a higher top speed,EPSelectronicsteeringandcontrolsystemtion. A safety rail track system will be installed explained Peter Duclos, the shipyards co-pres- at the helm station and control station at theon the wheelhouse handrail. At the squared-off ident and director of sales. transom. A Humphree interceptor trim con- bow is raised vertical fendering with integral trol system will be installed at the transom. steps for transferring pilots to and from docks. The oversized Humphree interceptors withA control station is located near the stepped ATOS(AutomaticTrimOptimizationSys- The pilothouse will be installed amidships ontransom, along with a winch-operated rotating tem) and the Hunt-designed shallow vee hulla flush deck, with the helm station on center.davit system over a recessed platform for pilot all combine to reduce wake, says Dulcos. Alightweightcanopywillextendapproxi- rescue operations.DOCK TO DOCK EFFICIENCYEachyear,thousandsofpreventablemaritime accidents are caused by operator inattention, cited twice as frequently as the next leading factor. The Furuno BR500 Bridge Navigational Watch Alarm System (BNWAS) helps to prevent these accidents.Scan this code with your smart phone for a Guided Tour of Our waterjets represent the pinnacle of all-roundthe BR500.operational efficiency, agile manoeuvrability, for swift turnarounds, and durability.www.hamiltonjet.com www.FurunoUSA.com29 MARCH 2022'