b'SAFETY MATTERSSAFETYImplementing NewFire Safety Regulations ERIC CHRISTENSEN // PVA DIRECTOR OF REGULATORY AFFAIRS & RISK MANAGEMENTA sreportedintheJanuary/FebruaryTheregulationsareeffectiveonMarch28,CoastGuardguidancepublishedinCVC issueoftheFOGHORN,theU.S.2022, and will be phased in over two years forPolicy Letter 20-03 Carriage of Lithium-Ion CoastGuardpublishedanInterimvessels with a keel laid date before the effectiveBatteries on Small Passenger Vessels is a good RuleintheFederalRegister,thatimple- date. For vessels with a keel laid date on or afterreference to better understand how to identify mentsnewrequirementsforfiresafetyonMarch 28, 2022, the requirements are effectivesigns of damage to lithium-ion batteries, how certainsmallpassengervesselsstartingonupon Coast Guard certification. to extinguish a small lithium-ion battery fire, March 28, 2022.and how to avoid unsafe practices or improper REGULATIONS EFFECTIVE installations on board. As stated in the Inter-The Interim Rule is applicable to small pas- MARCH 28, 2022 im Rule, the Coast Guard will be expecting senger vessels (less than 100 Gross Regulatoryoperators to develop safe handling procedures Tons) that are not ferries that operate on aNew 46 CFR 122.364 (Subchapter K) andfor the operation and storage of potentially coastwise or oceans route or have overnight185.364(SubchapterT)requirepotentiallyhazardous items such as rechargeable batteries accommodationsforpassengers.Thenewhazardousitemsusedforcommercialpur- (especially lithium-ion).regulations do not apply to vessels on limitedposestobehandled,stored,andoperated coastwise,lakes,bays,andsounds,orriversin a way that mitigates the risk of hazardousThe first step in developing a policy is to assess routes unless they have overnight accommoda- conditions. The focus here is on larger lithi- the risk. What types of potentially hazardous tions for passengers. um-ion batteries and not personal cell phones.items (batteries) are carried on board the vessel; and how are they charged, if at all? Does the crew use cordless power tools and how are they stored and charged?The Coast Guard has added a new paragraph (b) to 46 CFR 122.420 (Subchapter K) and 185.420 (Subchapter T) requiring enhanced crewfirefightingtrainingandemergency egresstrainingmonthly.Thetrainingmust addressfirefightingproficiency,knowledge, and must include: Location of firefighting appliances andemergency escape routes;Types and sources of ignition; Flammable materials, fire hazards, andspread of fire; The need for constant vigilance;Actions to be taken on board; Fire and smoke detection and automatic systems on board; and Classification of fire and applicableextinguishing agents. The drills required by 46 CFR 122.524 E X2 0B 1 9I and 185.524, including fire location and fire type; andWINNER Emergency egress training for eachFOGHORN 24'