b'C oncernfortheenvironmentisAtAmericanCruiseLines(ACL),thereisCatalina Express, each of their eight vessels growingineveryareaoflifeandan internal mission to be on the cutting edgehas been re-engined to reduce nitrogen oxide vessel operators are looking for waysofsmallcruiseshiptechnology,especiallyemissions and updated to comply with the tomaketheirbusinessesmoreecologicallyintermsofenvironmentaldesign.ACLCARBs Tier II or Tier III regulations for friendly. From eliminating single-use plasticsPresidentandCEOCharlesB.Robertsonemissions levels. The fleet has advanced over toworkingwithmorelocalvendors,fromnoted that the companys close ties to theirthe years from Tier 0 with the assistance from chartingroutesthatavoidwildlifenestingshipyard means ecological considerations arethe Port of Los Angeles, Port of Long Beach, groundstoswitchingtoLEDlights,therepart of the the very formulation of the designandtheCarlMoyerEmissionsFunding are a myriad of ways to lessen a companysfor each new vessel, such as with their newProgram.ThePortofLosAngeleshas impact on the ecosystem. Not only is it kinderProject Blue fleet.reported that Catalina Express has reduced toMotherNature,butcustomers800 tons of nitrogen oxide emissions, notice and appreciate the steps taken30 tons of particulate matter emissions, to protect the climate. I spoke recentlyWe see our visitorsand10,000tonsofgreenhousegas to a few PVA members to learn aboutemissionstheequivalentof10,000 their companies green initiatives.as a way to make acars.Ourdiscussionsstartedattheverylarger impact on globalLocally-grownproduceandlocally-beginning,withquestionsonwhatenvironmental conditionssourced fish have been a core part of the motivatedtheirteamstomaketheculinaryprogramsaboardAmerican shifttobemoreenvironmentallyby showing them how itCruiseLines.Acrossthefleet,ACL sensitiveintheiroperations.Forhas also implemented changes such as TerryStrickland,GeneralManagercan be done as we takereducing single-use plastics, providing of Yankee Freedom III, Key West, Fla.,reusablewaterbottles,andinstalling there isnt a clear beginning as concernthem to a place thatLEDlighting.Asvesselsgoinfor for the environment is a part of everyscheduledmaintenance,upgradesare day life in Key West. He noted thatshowcases why it should. made wherever possible, such as better DryTortugasNationalPark,whichTERRY STRICKLAND, YANKEE FREEDOM III wastewatertreatmentplantsasthe they provide service to, lies in an areatechnology improves.withtriplegovernmentsupervision on the ecological habitat (National MarineWhenstartingatthedrawingboardforaCompaniesgreeninitiativesextendfar Sanctuary, Research Natural Area, and theship,incorporatingthelatestpropulsionbeyond the engine room. The Yankee Freedom Park itself) the external motivation has alwaystechnology is a key way to control a vesselsIII has developed coops with small local island beenstrong.Sincewealsoliveandworkcarbonfootprint.ACLusesTierIIIandfarms to process and use compost locally since inaislandenvironmentwherethequalityTierIVemission-compliantenginesandthere are no industrial composting facilities ofourlivesandourneighborslivelihoodsgeneratorsandultra-lowsulfurdiesel.Atavailable from the Keys. They use 100% LED greatly depend on the health of the marine habitat around us, we are further motivated to do whatever we can to care for it, said Strickland.Weneverreallyshiftedto recycling and taking advantage of the latest eco-friendlyinnovationsinequipmentand consumableswe have always done that toWe take the heat, the extent available.so you dont have to.PreservingCaliforniascoastlinehasalwaysCool. Because you need it. We deliver cool based on beenpartofthemissionforCatalinayour reality. So no matter where you operate, hot days Express,accordingtoAmandaBombard,and heavy loads will never slow you down. VP of marketing and administration at the company.Overthepast40years,Catalina Express has collaborated with vessel architects and engine manufacturers to stay on top of the latest technology to reduce emissions and PHOTO COURTESY OF CATALINA EXPRESSincreaseefficiencywithfuel.Aswework closelywithourdieselproviders,Catalina Express has been able to pivot to cleaner fuelGRIDCOOLERWEKAsources such as the addition of bio diesel,Keel Cooler Boxcoolersaid Bombard. In addition, as a business in California, the company follows regulations setbytheCaliforniaAirResourceBoardfernstrum.com| 1.906.863.5553| sales@fernstrum.com (CARB). Catalina Express works to stay up toISO 9001:2015date with all regulations and when possible,2022 R.W. Fernstrum & Company. All rights reserved. FERNSTRUM and GRIDCOOLER are registered trademarks of R.W. Fernstrum & Company. All surpasses the requirements. other trademarks cited are the property of their respective owners.13 MARCH 2022'