b'Whilethisisintendedtoaidthesubmitterandclarifyto improve your submission quality and enable expedited FOGHORN FOCUS expectations,itisnotintendedtobecomprehensive.responses from the MSC.In-depthreviewandunderstandingoftheapplicable regulations and policy is paramount. Use available policySUBMITTAL PROCESSand guidance such as policy letters, navigation and vesselSubmitallrelevantinformationtooursharedinbox inspection circulars (NVIC), marine safety center techni- atMSC@uscg.mil.IfyoualreadyknowtheMSC cal notes (MTN), and plan review guides (PRG) to betterstaffengineerassignedtotheproject,youmaycopy understand plan review. PRGs have been developed by thethemforvisibility,butprojectsarebesttracked MSC for each submittal type to highlight applicable por- through our shared inbox. This ensures your submit-tions of the regulations; they provide much greater detailtal receives prompt attention regardless of individual on a per-system basis than can be provided here. Please seestaff availability.the Useful Links section below for a consolidated list of resources to aid in plan review. Within one to two business days after submittal, you shouldreceiveanautomatedemailresponsewithan Submitting high-quality supporting documents and cal- assigneddocumentnumber.Ifyouhavenotreceived culations is critical to enabling complete and timely planit, the files may have been too large for our email serv-review.Considerhiringeitheranavalarchitect,marineer to receive. If this is the case, please reach back out to engineer,oralicensedprofessionalengineer(PE)withMSC@uscg.milandasecureuploadlinkthroughthe relevantindustryexperiencetocreateorreviewvesselDepartment of Defenses Secure Access File Exchange plans and calculations. Heed the following best practices(DoD SAFE) will be provided.RefitandRepairQuality Commercial Vessels.Built by Burger to Your RequirementsBurger is recognized worldwide for quality custom vessels that provide years of dependable service. Aluminum and Steel Fabrication Refit and Repair ServicesPassenger Vessels- Hull Plate Replacement +1 920.686.5117Water Taxis- Exterior and Interior Coatings sales@burgerboat.com Wind Farm Support Vessels- Engine and Generator RepowersUnder Construction burgerboatcommercial.com180 Aluminum Motor Yacht- All Vessel System Repairs Crew Supply Vessels Other Vessels to 260 (80m) - Interior Refresh Proudly built in the USA 2024 Burger Boat Company FOGHORN 10'