b'REGULATORYREPORTFuel Oil Transfer By Peter Lauridsen,PVA RegulatoryPersonnel UpdateAffairs ConsultantO n August 14, 2019, the U.S. Coast Guard publishednew option creates important regulatory relief, allows for a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) that willincreased flexibility, and broadens the scope of available broaden the personnel pool that is available to servemariners to serve in this position.as person-in-charge (PIC) of fuel oil transfers on inspectedThe background of this initiative is in the towing fl eet tran-vessels. Vessels that have a fuel oil capacity of more than 250sitioning from uninspected status to Coast Guard Subchapter barrels are required to have an appropriately credentialed andM inspected vessels. As uninspected vessels, the crew was trained mariner as PIC. By regulation, that is a person holdingnormally two licensed offi cer watchstanders and the rest non-a merchant mariner credential (MMC) endorsed as an offi cercredentialed crew. These vessels often refueled mid-stream or tankerman-PIC. For the passenger vessel community thatand so the Coast Guard established a process for non-creden-usually means the master who is typically the only crewmem- tialed crew to be trained and then with letters of designation ber qualifi ed to serve as the vessels PIC. (LOD) to serve as PICs. With the advent of Subchapter M and PVA supported this proposed change which adds thethe requirement for Certifi cates of Inspection (COI) for towing option of appointing a properly trained crew member tovessels, the industry was faced with the regulation requiring serve as a PIC of fuel oil transfer on any applicable inspectedMMC holders as PIC for inspected vessels. This was seen as vessel by submitting a letter of designation (LOD) to thea costly and unproductive requirement. The Towing Safety Coast Guard. Currently this job can only be done by a holderAdvisory Committee (TSAC) was tasked with reviewing the of a Merchant Mariner Credential (MMC) with a Tankerman- issue. The TSAC recommended non-credentialed mariners Person in Charge (PIC) endorsement. continue as before and the Coast Guard would amend the In his comments, PVA President Bob Lawler stated, Thisregulations to permit persons with an LOD to serve as PIC on westmarinepro.comRediscover Radar Your 24/7 destination thats packed with the featuresOur Safest Radar Yet you need to get the most out of your time and money.FastIncreasedStreamlined Page Loads Inventory Availability Checkout Quick OrderMultiple Improved Easy Requisition Account Sign-Ons Search Invoice Look-up Lists All backed by the power of West Marine Pro. Over 135,000 products for your business 28 regional distribution centers Same-day van delivery 250+ stores The new HALO24 packs proven Halo radar performance into a compact 24-inch dome.The most-knowledgeable and seasonedAvoid collisions with VelocityTrack technology to highlight approaching hazards, plus industry-leadingsales representatives in the industry60 RPM rotation for an almost real-time view and with instant availability from standbyHALO24is our safest dome radar yet.SIMRAD-YACHTING.COM1-800-621-6885 or visit westmarinepro.com.26NOVEMBER 2019FOGHORN'