b'MEMBER NEWSCasco Bay Lines Appoints NewGeneral ManagerC asco Bay Lines (CBL) recentlyin the busy summer season. He willCounterThreatSolutions,LLC. announcedtheappointmentbe responsible for leading day-to-dayPreviously, he was at NGROUP Per-of John Warnock as the newoperationsandlong-rangeplanning.formance Partners. He served in the General Manager, following a unani- Warnock joins CBL from WorldwideNavy for 29 years.mous vote by Casco Bay Lines Board of Directors, to whom Warnock will report. Warnock will start in his new role on July 22, 2024.Ilookforwardtostartingoutby riding the boats to meet captains and crew and Casco Bay Islanders. My fo- Public Tickets & cus will be on safety first, on excellentPrivate Chartersservicetoislanders,goodemployee.together at lastrelations,andsoundfiscalmanage-ment, said Warnock.EFFORTLESSEFFORTLESSA search committee comprising boardRESERVATIONS CONTRACTSmembersfromfourislandsworked+ TICKETING for Private Charterswith a recruiting firm to evaluate ap- for Public Cruises and Group Bookingsplicants. The committee interviewed candidates,bringingtwointovisitIntegrated online,Custom PDF contracts CBL.Semifinalistsrodeboatstophone and walk-upwith fully-trackable Peaks and Long Island and met withbookings versioningselectedcitizensofseveralislandsas well as three members of CBL seniorAutomated conrmation,Support for private reminder and follow-upcharters, schools and staff and the union president. emails tour groupsJeanHoffman,chairofthesearchMarketing and SearchDetailed reports for Engine Optimizationevent planning and committeesaid,Hiringtheright(SEO) nancial trackingleadertoputCBLontrackforthe future is important to the islanders wePersonalized set-up,Resource tracking for serve and to captains, crew and staff.training and supportmulti-use inventoryincludedJohnWarnockbringsahistoryof learning, excelling at new challenges, effectivemanagementandhelping companies leverage technology to im-prove productivity and lower costs. Manage your entire business from a single, Asgeneralmanager,Warnockwillintegrated platformlead a team which grows from more than40personnelyear-roundto90SCHEDULE A DEMOWWW.STARBOARDSUITE.COM41 JUNE 2024'