b'MEMBER NEWSMEMBER NEWSYank Marine Preparing Delivery of New Ferryto N.Y. WaterwayY ank Marine of Tuckahoe, N.J.,Robinson, will have a 4 draft and isthree weeks, said Bette Jean Yank, the issettodeliveranew109xthefifthpassengerferrythatYankshipyards president, earlier in June. 33.3x12.2,499-passengerMarine has built for N.Y. Waterway. ferry to fellow PVA member N.Y. Wa- Yank Marine is getting ready to de- The ferrys main propulsion will come terway.Thealuminumferry,Jackieliver the new vessel in the next two tofrom a pair of Cummins QSK38 en-gines,producing1,000hpeachat 1,800rpm.Theengineswillturna pair of ZF 5-bladed, 50x46.5 nibral wheelsthroughTwinDiscmarine We take the heat,gears. The package will give the ferry so you dont have to. a service speed of 20 knots.Cool. Because you need it. We deliver cool based on your reality. So no matter where you operate, hot daysThe ships service power will be pro-and heavy loads will never slow you down.videdbyaKohler65EOZCJ99-kW generator. The controls will be Twin DiscEC300s,andthesteeringsys-tem will come from Kobelt/Skipper. Tankagewillinclude2,400gals.of fuel, 100 gals. water per side, and 200 GRIDCOOLERWEKA Omega gals. sewage per side. Keel Cooler Boxcooler Laser PlateThe new vessel is named after legend-PHOTO: YANK MARINEfernstrum.com| 1.906.863.5553| sales@fernstrum.comarybaseballplayerJackieRobinson, ISO 9001:2015 honoring his legacy and contributions2023 R.W. Fernstrum & Company. All rights reserved. FERNSTRUM and GRIDCOOLER are registered trademarks of R.W. Fernstrum & Company. Allto the sport and civil rights movement.other trademarks cited are the property of their respective owners.FOGHORN 40'