b'MEMBER NEWSMEMBER NEWSWashington State Ferries Seeks Shipyardsto Build Hybrid-Electric VesselsW ashingtonStateFerries (WSF),thelargestferry systemintheUnited States, has launched its national con-tracting process to begin the bidding andbuildingprocessforfivenew hybrid-electric ferries. Building these newvesselsiscriticaltoimproving service and reliability for the systems passengersandcommunitiesthat use ferries.OnMay30,WSFinvitedpotential shipbuilders to submit qualifications tobuildfivenewhybrid-electric vessels. Later this year, the qualified RENDERING: WASHINGTON STATE FERRIESfirms will submit their bids, allowing WSFtoselectoneorpossiblytwo shipbuilders. Under this contracting approach, two vessels could be deliv-ered in 2028, two more in 2029, and the final ferry in 2030 (subject to fi-nal bid prices and available funding). FOGHORN 38'