b'Port order. Violation of such an orderrelease and a $150,000 fine for mis- CGTips app or web form. isacriminaloffense.Often,federalleading federal investigators. investigationsrevealotherillegalac- Passenger Vessel Association members tivityincludingdrugs,prostitution,PVAcommendstheCoastGuardwork closely with the Coast Guard to tax evasion, etc. forseveralrecentenforcementac- ensure that safety is a priority for pas-tionsin2024leadingtovoyageter- sengers and crew. PVA asks lawmakers WhiletheCoastGuardworkstominationsforillegaloperationsinto examine the scope and consequenc-deter illegal charters through investi- Florida,NewJersey,andVirginia.es of illegal passenger operations and gation and enforcement, the problemToreportpotentialillegalpassengerencourages the Coast Guard to priori-is overwhelming and too often endsvessel operations contact Coast Guardtize enforcement of the law to discour-in tragedy.InvestigativeServicethroughtheage these dangerous violations.In March of 2024 two men operating anillegalcharterintheNewYork watersoftheHudsonRiverwere charged in the deaths of two victims after the boat that they operated for hirecapsized.Thevessel,Stimulus Money,wasoverloadedwithpas- Bringing The Best to Passenger sengers,operatedbyunlicensedin-dividuals, at unsafe speed, in roughVessel Owners and Operators.waters,andwithoutrequiredsafety equipment. All 13 individuals aboard the boat were thrown overboard. Two of the 13 passengers, including a sev- Best in Class Products, Expert Knowledge and en-year-old child, were trapped underUnparalleled Customer Support.the capsized boats and drowned. The incident occurred in July of 2022.InAprilof2018thecaptainofthe illegal passenger vessel, Miami Vice, in Miami was arrested and charged withTHRUSTERS LIGHTING SEATINGthe death of a passenger that was struck by the propeller while swimming near the boat. The boat was rented, and the unlicensed captain was paid $150 per hour. The defendant was arrested at Miami International Airport attempt- DOORS/HATCHES PUMPS WIPER SYSTEMSing to flee the country. In March 2017, the illegal passenger vessel Jaguar was involved in a fatal accidentwhenapassengerbecame distressedwhileswimmingoffthe vessel and the deckhand went intoSOLAR SHADES POWER MGMT. AIR HANDLERSthe water and attempted to rescue the passenger. Both individuals drowned.Find Your Solution at Imtra.com InJune2023,thevesselownerwasor Call 508-995-7000sentenced to three years of supervised 33 JUNE 2024'