b'than it was in the past. They are constantly being advertisedderstand submission. They enjoy seeing a spreadsheet that to with messages like, Injured? Get an attorney, we will getlays out all your assets in a nice format. They like reading you a payout.a narrative that highlights all the positive aspects you are taking from a risk control standpoint. The more detail the While these aforementioned factors are out of your control,better. There are likely many things you are doing to miti-there are actions that you can take to make a positive impactgate risk, make sure you are communicating these things to on your insurance costs. So, what are they?your broker, they make a difference. For example, highlight all of the clearly marked ramps on your gangways. Note any It is first important to understand how an insurance com- non-slipsurfaces.Illustrateyourliquorservingpractices pany underwriter works and thinks. Let us put ourselvesand employee training programs. Share your catastrophic in their shoes for a moment. An underwriter has hundredsrisk plans. For an operator in the Gulf, invest in your hur-of accounts to renew each year. They may see more thanricane plan and make sure it is detailed. For an operator in 1,000 submissions for new business and renewal insurancethe Midwest, create a plan (if you dont have one) for wind business in 2024. There is a constant pile of submissions onstorms. Little details like the type of knots used, if you move their desk. How do you make sure that your file stays on theyour vessels to a certain location depending on wind direc-top of their stack? Foremost, ensure that you are workingtion, moving specific equipment to safe locations, can have with your broker well in advance of your renewal so thata positive impact. Additionally, underwriters appreciate all they can obtain all the necessary information to get renewalthe information in one place, at one time, rather than receiv-terms. Underwriters will prioritize a clean and easy to un- ing it piecemeal. LET ASSUREDPARTNERS MCM MANAGEYOUR INSURANCE SO YOU CANFOCUS ON YOUR VOYAGEAssuredPartners MCM is a leading independent insurance brokerage based in the Pacic Northwest. Our combined experience placing insurance and managing the marine industrys unique risks.Whether were working with vessel operators, builders, AssuredPartners MCMContact: Damon L. NasmanDirect Line: 206.262.6375Damon.Nasman@assuredpartners.comwww.assuredpartnersmcm.com29 JUNE 2024'