b'what our individual small family owned/operated businessready had made most of the mistakes beginning business FOGHORN FOCUS could provide on our own.owners make, but the NYSTBA membership was very helpful in teaching us the value of having political friends For some, membership in PVA was a bridge to NYSTBAand how to cultivate relationships. This was something as a regional association. Erie Canal Cruises Inc. startedwe had never done in Floridaas a result we cultivated operation in 2003 and joined NYSTBA around 2005. Pri- a great relationship with a New York assembly member. or to that, the owners were already members of PVA withWe continue today to work on political friendsa lesson their Florida operation, so they understood the value ofwell learned.meeting fellow owners and seeing how they approached problems and regulations. Erie Canal Cruises Inc. Pres- Lockport Locks and Erie Canal Cruises has been involved ident and NYSTBA Vice President Captain Jerry Gertzin both PVA and NYSTBA since its founding, and owner shared the companys story. When we first started, weCaptain Mike Murphy was president of the NYSTBA for wereunfamiliarwithupstateNewYorknauticalwise.eleven years. Membership has allowed us the opportunity We had just sold our large charter/tour vessel operationto learn from the experiences and hiccups of others and to in Fort Lauderdale (five vessels and 65 employees.) Theshare our ideas with them. This camaraderie has developed NYSTBA was instrumental in getting us up to speed oninto lifelong friendships where we support each other and New York and all its quirks. ourbusinesses,notedMichaelR.WronaatLockport Locks and Erie Canal Cruises. It is a pleasure to be asso-As we came from a highly successful Florida operationciated with so many people wanting to develop increased (MarineHospitalityCorp./AnticipationYachts)weal- tourism opportunities across the State of New York.PHOTO: LOCKPORT LOCKS AND ERIE CANAL CRUISESFOGHORN 24'