b'The NYSTBA invests in group marketing opportunitiesa forum to brainstorm and look at ways to increase and suchasbrochuresdistributedintouristareasbothinimproveindividualbusinessesmovingforward.During New York and surrounding states, helping to reach newthe meetings, guess speakers address the audience on in-customers. The group has run print ads in magazines anddustry-specific topics from regulations to environmental other publications as well. The new upcoming NYSTBAconcernstomarketingopportunities,helpingmembers print ad in Bus Tour Magazine has the potential to bringmake their businesses safer and more profitable. largegroupstoindividualbusinessesfromtoursplan-ning trips in areas where individual member businessesNYSTBA is a member of the New York State Tourism are located. Some of these advertising and promotion op- IndustryAssociation(NYSTIA),andtheCEOBob portunities are beyond the budgets for individual smallProvost often attends the bi-annual meetings to provide businesses but group advertising included with member- currentstatetourisminformation,statistics,andadvice ship makes these investments possible. The associationswith NYSTBA membership. NYSTIA also provides infor-websiteandsocialmediaaccountsprovideadditionalmation about more ways to promote the organization and exposure for operators.its members. The group meets in person in both the spring and fall ofCaptain Tammee Poinan Grimes, director of PVA member each year. At the 2023 fall meeting, members discussedColonial Belle and president of NYSTBA, commented on bookingsfromtherecentlyfinishedseasonandforthethe bi-annual meetings stating, The information present-upcoming season. They reviewed ideas and offerings thated and the discussions at the bi-annual NYSTBA meetings worked, as well as those that didnt perform well. It wasare extremely beneficial, too. And those things are beyond PHOTO: JOHN KUCKO DIGITAL 23 JUNE 2024'