b'underwriter, which will help them determine their risk during renewals. We have also found that inviting underwriters to visit our clientsoperationscanstrengthentherelationship.We have set up these visits so that our clients can show off their operations to the individuals responsible for determiningAbout the Author their renewal rates. This allows you to tell your story andTOSCA PINDER demonstrate firsthand how you manage risk.VICE PRESIDENT, USI INSURANCEIt is important for operators to understand the risks theyTosca Pinder is currently a vice president at USI In-face as business owners, and institute a risk managementsurance. In her role, she specializes in working with program that balances cost and effectiveness. While in- businesseswithmarinerisks,includingpassenger surance is there to protect your assets, the best outcomevessel operators. Pinder is passionate about support-is an accident-free operation. If you are looking to im- ing her clients in meaningful ways and understands prove your risk management, I would recommend youtheimportanceherroleplaysinthesuccessand consult your broker to see what resources they have toprofitability of her clients. She is an active member support you.of the PVA and currently serves as the chair of the Associate Council. YOUR PROPULSION EXPERTSDeJong & Lebet, Inc.ExperienceNaval ArchitectsMarine EngineersWhen YouConsultantsSurveyorsNeed It. more flexibility71 Sea Island Explorermore comfort more space 140 Odyssey Chicago RiverSCHOTTEL EcoPeller SCORES WITH COMPACT VERSION The German propulsion expert SCHOTTEL presents a space-saving CLE installationwww.dejongandlebet.comvariant of its proven EcoPeller (SRE). The space-optimized support structure, the omission of the gearbox and an integrated electric motor (LE-Drive) enable an extremely low overall height while maintaining low noise and vibration levels. This1734 Emerson Street, Jacksonville, FL 32207makes it ideally suitable for the passenger vessel sector. (904) 399-3673 www.schottel.com info@dejongandlebet.com19 JUNE 2024240119_AZ_Foghorn_4.625x7Zoll.indd 1 19.01.24 10:57'