b'other as their fuel source, 21 (3.7 percent of vessels) wrotedescriptive and comprehensive, and the nation is hindered in that this was a diesel/biodiesel mix and 19 (3.3 percent ofin our ability to support ferry travel. For agencies eligible vessels) that they used R-99 renewable diesel.for the Ferry Boat Program funds, filling out the NCFO is the first step to receiving funds. The funds have been If your agency is eligible for ferry boat program funds, noteexpanded to not just cover the design and construction of that the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law has expanded theferry boats, terminal facilities, and maintenance facilities, federal share to up to 85 percent, as determined by the state,but also operating costs. for projects to replace/retrofit diesel fuel ferry vessels that providesubstantialemissionsreductionuntilSeptemberThe BTS team is continuously endeavoring to improve 30, 2025 [ 11117(b)]. If you are considering replacing a die- the ease of responding to the NCFO. For example, we sel vessel with an alternative fuel vessel, now may be the time.will autofill much of your agencys data that is unlikely to change from previous census years. We are also looking 2024 NCFO to update our contact strategy to reach out to operators The next NCFO will be collected in 2025 and will collectwhen it is more convenient for them. BTS is experiencing data on 2024 operations. We encourage operators to havechallenges with changes in contact person and informa-their 2024 data ready to go (i.e. annual passenger counts,tion between censuses that result in our emails and phone numberoftripsalongsegments,etc.).Fillingoutthecalls never reaching the operator. If you are concerned NCFO allows for a stronger understanding of ferry trans- that we may not have a good contact for your agency or portationintheU.S.,aidingplanningefforts.Withouthaving any questions about the NCFO, please reach out your agencys input, the statistics presented here are lessto ferry@dot.gov. 2021_GH-BuildaLegend_Foghorn.pdf 13 3/4/21 12:22 PMFoghorn 3.375 wide x 4.875 highDOCK TO DOCK EFFICIENCYCMYCMMYCYCMYKDONT BUILD A FERRY.BUILD A LEGEND.Our waterjets represent the pinnacle of all-round operational efficiency, agile manoeuvrability, for swiftgladding-hearn.comturnarounds, and durability.www.hamiltonjet.com Celebrating 50 years of excellence13 JUNE 2024'